Frequent contractions

Posted by hkexpat2007 17 yrs ago
I have been having fairly frequent contractions since the beginning of my second trimester. Last week (at 25 weeks), I went to the hospital, as my contractions were very frequent. I have been put on nifedipine and progesterone to prevent preterm labor. My cervix is closed, and I do not seem to have any infections. I've only been on nifedipine for about 4 days, but they don't seem to be decreasing the frequency of my contractions - I still have at least 1 or 2 per hour, and sometimes as many as 4 or 5 per hour. I had originally thought they were Braxton Hicks, and therefore, not a cause for alarm, but have been told by the doctors that they are too frequent for such an early stage in pregnancy. Has anyone experienced frequent contractions early on in the pregnancy - what treatment did you receive, and was it effective?

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namaste 17 yrs ago
If you are still contracting on the nifedipine, you should be on continuous bedrest until 37 weeks. I worked on a high-risk obstetrical unit for a couple of years and this would happen, but not usually so early on. Indomethacin can also be used early on and magnesium sulfate drip if you're hospitalized. It's been six days since you've written, I hope you and baby are doing ok. Medications with bedrest really does work.

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hkexpat2007 17 yrs ago
Namaste, thanks very much for your reply. The baby and I are doing fine, although the contractions are continuing (still no dilation though).

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frenchfries 17 yrs ago

when u can contractions, are they painful? any spotting/bleeding? i am currently 26 weeks, and i have been getting frequent contractions since about 4 weeks ago. my contractions are painless and without spotting/bleeding. they can be as frequent as once every 15 mins, only for a few seconds at a time.

i was worried at first, but my doctor assured me that if the contractions are not painful and are not accompanied by spotting/bleeding, there should be no need to worry. some women can get early braxton hicks. he said that they can also be triggered by dehydration and stress. when i went to see him a few days ago for my monthly checkup, just as a precaution, he performed a vaginal scan to make sure that the cervix has not opened up and that the baby hasn't descended.

he has advised me to let him know immediately if the contractions become painful or if i experience any spotting/bleeding. he will also perform vaginal scans periodically to be on the safe side.

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MilkMonster Laughs 17 yrs ago
I've been having contractions (no dilation or bleeding/spotting) since 24weeks (i'm 29 weeks now). I've been on partial bed rest for the last 3 weeks and have found that standing for long periods, walking around a lot, and not drinking enough water, and stress, all make the contractions worse...

with my first, i had contractions starting at 29 weeks and my son was born at 33 weeks. we're hoping this one stays inside a little longer so I've been pretty obedient about the bed rest. congrats ladies and good luck!!

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