Can Reiki increase fertility?

Posted by Havefaith 17 yrs ago
Has anyone tried reiki to help her get pregnant? I have heard from a friend's wife that she got pregnant with reiki. Any experience in HK? I had not even heard of reiki until my friend told me about it. If you have had success with reiki please let me know where you went for the sessions. Thanks.


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longing 17 yrs ago
Hi Havefaith, this TTCing business seems never ending!

What is Reiki...never heard of it. Will give it a try too.


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Havefaith 17 yrs ago

I had not heard of it til the friend mentioned it. It is a very mild kind of natural healing. That's all I know.


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Kate71 17 yrs ago
hi there

reiki is a very gentle energy healing - you lie on a couch fully clothed while the practitioner places their hands on you at various points and channels the energy - it's very relaxing and can be very helpful with a number of issues & illnesses - there's no guarantee that you would conceive but it may help.


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788 17 yrs ago
hf, check your pm box.

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