How to make a boy?

Posted by Riceman 17 yrs ago
Would like to have the perfect family by adding a boy to the little girl we have. Have heard all kinds of tales and most recently by the pregnant mother having breakfast of cereal every morning and also bananas too?

Would appreciate advise based on experience or general thoughts on this.

Many thanks.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
There are lots of supposed methods, none of which is scientifically proven to work. The only method with any scientifically proven chance of success (very good chance too) is mechanical selection of sperm followed by IVF with only the "male" ones. Needless to say, you need the help of some nice people in white coats and they will charge you some money.

I have heard that you should have sex early in the cycle to increase the chance of girls, and late to increase the chance of boys. Of course this is anectodal.

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Katherine227 17 yrs ago
You can have the perfect family ........ regardless of the sex of your children!

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Riceman 17 yrs ago
yes already know that thank you very much K227 so won't go into that side of discussion.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
I did some checking and apart from sperm selection there seem to be two options:

- Both partners taking drugs of some kind.

- Checking the sex of IVF ova and implanting the desired sex.

You should talk to a fertility specialist. However as noted above it won't be "free" like the natural method.

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788 17 yrs ago
Ha ha, axpatguy38- if it were possible with IVF to determine the sex at conception, there would be less girl child deaths in some countries because it would then be possible to get a boy through fertility treatments whether you need it or not!!:)

Anyway- sex of a child is determined by the male chromosome. So Riceman, prepare and train your sperms to only give the Y portion of it out to the ovum which can unfortunately for you only give the X side of it.

I have also heard that some positions during sex help- but its all hearsay ofcourse.

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Keepontrying 17 yrs ago

As I understand you can time intercourse and that will increase your probability of having one sex vs another. The "male" sperm apparently swim faster but die sooner than the "female" sperm. In this case, if you have intercourse before you ovulate, chances are by the time the egg is released the male sperm would have swum up and died before it had a chance to fertilize leaving the female sperm to do the fertilizing (thus resulting in a girl baby). If you have intercourse after you ovulate the egg will be there waiting for the sperm. In this case the male sperm will swim a lot faster and reach the egg first and chances are the male sperm will fertilize the egg before the female sperm arrive. Statistically speaking you increase your chance of getting one sex over the other to 80% by timing intercourse. Of course you will need to know the time of ovulation by using ov test sticks or having a doctor monitor your follicular growth. The other sure proof way is to do PGD but I do not think doctors would perform PGD for the purposes of selecting the sex of a baby. It's used to help with those are genetically predisposed to abnormal chomosomal development. Good luck!

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honeypie 17 yrs ago

There was an article last friday at straits times about this, those who take high calories for breakfast will most likely have a boy. Like eating a bowl of cereal. I had a boy and i eat one bowl of oats for breakfast. I don't know if this is true, how about your wife's meal for breakfast, is it high calorie?

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"Ha ha, axpatguy38- if it were possible with IVF to determine the sex at conception, there would be less girl child deaths in some countries because it would then be possible to get a boy through fertility treatments whether you need it or not!!:)"

You can laugh all you want, but sperm selection is quite real. It is, however, currently too expensive to be a viable option for most parents. BTW why would I make this stuff up?

Here is an example:

"There was an article last friday at straits times about this, those who take high calories for breakfast will most likely have a boy. Like eating a bowl of cereal. I had a boy and i eat one bowl of oats for breakfast. I don't know if this is true, how about your wife's meal for breakfast, is it high calorie?"

As I understand it there is no scientific evidence either way. The only proven methods (sperm selection and embryo selection) are heavily tied to IVF treatments.

Also, not to be a party pooper, but any data gathered by just asking people on this site will be statistically worthless.

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sharefitness 17 yrs ago
When we decided to start our family we did lots of reasearch and followed the advise as much as possible. We knew we were making a boy - of course it's all up to the big guy upstairs but a lof of prep work was done that that helped us succeed.

If you wanna chat please give me a means to contact you - no silly advise, no doctor interventions, no banana diets, it's all in the timing, positions, retension and rising of your energy (techniques that can be taught with coaching) - we are Yoga teachers with a happy healthy 15month old toddler, we're planning for a girl and we know exactlly how to make one of those too! I'm not interested in defending this knowledge with others here as they may just see this as entertainment - we can really help.

Thre may be no Western medical scientific evidence but we all know this knowldege, if you're open minded, leave me a message - you will not be charged for advise.

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788 17 yrs ago
No, I would not think you'd make up stuff, axpatguy38. Just never thought you would trust stuff which only seem to have anecdotal evidence or a couple of clinical trials in my opinion. Oops, my bad.

Ah, the sex position theory is supported by sharefitness! There you go......

Riceman, just remembered another lady on this forum a while ago who was also trying for a boy. Her grandmother would make her some special Korean ginseng potion everyday. She did have a boy.

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inlovewithhk 17 yrs ago
sharefitness, would you please PM me and let me know how your theory works?

It is late for me now, as i am already pregnant, so for my next atleast i will know what to do!


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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
I don't want to bash alternative medicine with this post. I just don't want Riceman to have too high expectations with the results.

sharefitness, such things are certainly worth a shot. But it should be clear that there is no scientific evidence for such methods being successful. That is, if Riceman uses them it should be clear that there is no guarantee of success, or even a guarantee that the chances of a boy will increase.

"Thre may be no Western medical scientific evidence but we all know this knowldege"

"We" don't "all" know that. Science is science. It has no nationality. Certainly scientists do not claim to know everything. In fact the scientific method is based on the fact that we have incomplete knowledge and try to increase it through experiment and observation. If the methods you suggest worked reliably, they would be testable with scientific methods and could be proven to work.

The chances of a boy conceived without medical intervention are about 50%. That's quite a high probability right there.

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Katherine227 17 yrs ago
Actually, Riceman, there's a very old chinese calendar that uses the woman's age and conception time so you would know when is the optimum time to try for a boy. It is uncannily accurate (I checked it after giving birth and it correctly confirmed the sex of my child all 3 times)

Saying this, I share the same concerns as axptguy38, there is no guarantee with any of these methods! Clearly there's 50% chance for a boy and the same for a girl!

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"it is uncannily accurate (I checked it after giving birth and it correctly predicted the sex of my child all 3 times)"

As you say yourself there are no guarantees. 3 data points it too small a sample size. Even if you only "believe" in the 50% chance (as I do) your probability of getting three boys is (if I remember my probability theory correctly) 12.5%. Unlikely but not astronomically so. ;)

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Katherine227 17 yrs ago
axptguy38, its actually worked on all the people I know so far, but I only check after the child is born, never used it for 'gender selection'. For the record, I don't have 3 boys, I believe in the 50% chance too! Whilst pregnant, the only thing I've hoped for is a healthy baby, regardless of sex!

Just realised I shouldn't have used the word 'predicted' in my post!

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"axptguy38, its actually worked on all the people I know so far,"

That is a fun coincidence. What would be needed now is to sample thousands and thousands of children and see what the numbers say. ;)

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"chinese calendar was wrong for me... both times."

I could kiss you. ;)

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gum 17 yrs ago
sharefitness - I'd like to listen to your theory as well. Can you please pm me the information. Thanks so much.

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Riceman 17 yrs ago
seems nothing is too certain in this current day and age but would tend to lean towards what axptguy is saying about the seperating boy and girl sperm as offering a higher percentage. didn't get a high grade in biology but i guess it's also true of the male chromosome so best keep to my fingers crossed (and legs?).

sharefitness, thank you for your offer and i fully appreciate where you are coming from but i'm not ready to embark on a fitness regime that requires a lot self control and inner self belief at this time but perhaps a little later down the road?

as for the chinese calendar (thanks for the reminder), i saw this a few years back and happy to learn it doesn't work for all but it's still a scary thought that it relates to most people!

...and for everyone, have you heard about this one (from someone I know), wash/shower the male 'part' in cold water before climaxing!

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"...and for everyone, have you heard about this one (from someone I know), wash/shower the male 'part' in cold water before climaxing!"

Hehe. Well that is certainly appreciated by some men, mostly with ice. But I don't know if it affects conception.

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LA Bliss 17 yrs ago
i had 2 friends swear by the shettles method - they both followed it and got the "boy" they wanted.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"i had 2 friends swear by the shettles method - they both followed it and got the "boy" they wanted."

The Shettles method is just another dodgy technique with no scientific basis in fact. The fact that your friends both got what they wanted doesn't prove its effectiveness.

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cd 17 yrs ago
In England there's an old wives tale about diet, eat a high dairy diet for a girl, and a high salt/savoury diet for a boy.

Again it obviously doesn't always work as I hate anything salty, don't put salt in anything, and eat far more dairy, but still ended up with 3 boys,(and 2 girls).

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"Again it obviously doesn't always work as I hate anything salty, don't put salt in anything, and eat far more dairy, but still ended up with 3 boys,(and 2 girls)."

Besides lots of salt is not good for you. ;)

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nesty3000 17 yrs ago
I'm just wondering, what if you tried those suggested above. And it did Not work and had a girl instead.

I mean I would hate to have thought "Ohh...I wanted a boy" at the back of my head once the baby enters the world.

I would recommend taking another look at having a girl. And go for the old fashion way of 50-50.

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purefit 17 yrs ago
Sharefitness could you please pm me your method on making a boy. thanks!

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