Posted by
LA Bliss
17 yrs ago
hi visitor, we just started ttc too. being that i have really long cycles, i used the opks and was able to pinpoint the exact date. now it's the tough part ... waiting.
i'm glad you started this thread! :-)
hi visitor, i don't know...i think i'm experiencing pre-symptoms but it could be all psychosomatic. i'm SO anxious and don't know how I'm going to make it through another week or so!
so you just started using the opks? have you had a "positive" yet? i thought the darn opks weren't working because i wasn't seeing the 2nd line. then lo and behold one day, it appears out of nowhere. i jumped around like a little kid!
i'm sprinkling *baby dust* everywhere for you & i both!
YES YES YES! i'm about 4-5 wks preggers - confirmed by a blood test at the doctor's today. i must've taken at least 10 pregnancy tests at home in the last few days... i just couldn't believe it! it was disbelief-joy-disbelief-joy-tears of joy. =) it's definitely been a roller coaster few days.
we're feeling so fortunate & blessed to have become pregnant on the first month. we both called our moms immediately but are keeping it under wraps for awhile. i ran out and bought a million books which i'm all reading right now - there's SO MUCH information!
for us, we did the deed the morning after testing positive and we must have somehow done something right! a week after OV, i had the worst case of constipation (i know, so unpleasant already) and horrible AF-like cramping. so look for these signs, if not, you'll time it perfect next month! =)
*i'm rubbing all my baby dust on you~!!!*
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