body pillows

Posted by Kate71 17 yrs ago
Hi there

Does anyone know where I can get a maternity body pillow (preferably not too expensive) - am getting to the stage where I really need one!


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neenib 17 yrs ago
Hi Kate71, I just bought myself a boomerang pillow from spotlight. Much, much cheaper than the "pregnancy" pillows that are available. I do know however, that Eugene Club have them (very expensive at aroung $800-900!) & I think Mothercare have some pillows. However again, not cheap because once the word "pregnancy or maternity" come into the equation, the price jumps more than double!

On top of the boomerang pillow i also bought a tummy wedge from Mothercare (i think it was around $100-200, can't remember), which has come in quite handy also. Spotlight also have an actual "body pillow" which is double the length of a basic pillow. I also have one of those as I tend to change between all of them (anything to try to get a good night's sleep at this late stage!).

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Kate71 17 yrs ago
That's great neenib... thank you so much - I'll check it all out...

hope you're sleeping well...

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neenib 17 yrs ago
The countdown is well and truly on. I am over it and ready to have my body back!! I look forward to no more backpain and sciatic pain!

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