Does one always have be put "under" during the egg retrieval process? Has anyone tried a local anesthetic at all? Or even no anesthesia. I was told that the retrieval process would not really be that painful w/o an anesthetic and is a rather quick process. Given that I have so few eggs (4 at my last scan), I wonder if I can do this without the anesthesia or with little anesthesia (i.e., local). Would appreciate anyone's comments and experience with this. I go in for my egg retrieval tomorrow so would appreciate any quick responses from anyone. Thank you in advance.
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Good luck Keeptrying!
I asked about that too, but it's only a very light general anesthetic. I recovered very quickly after it and didn't feel very groggy at all, just very tired.
Where are you having it done?
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good luck keepontrying! hope all of your eggs get fertilized.
my last 3 experience with egg retrieval has been the same, as disco babe says its very light general anesthetic and I just dose off for an hour or so. the only reason with the anaesthesia is to make sure we don't move which may affect the doctor from retrieval. but price was a big difference. when i did the first one at the ART lab, they charged me $4000 but with ProlIVF its $1000 only.
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I did eggs retrieval without anything in Tokyo three times. They don't believe in unnecessary drugs. Those processes were very painful for me. One by one we (the women queuing) were called to enter the room. Each one came out with a pale face. However, one of my friend did it as well and since I told her about the pain I suffered, she prepared herself for the worse and it turned up she didn't feel so much pain - all is about the expectation (though I still felt the pain on the 2nd and the 3rd round).
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Hi Everyone,
Thank you for your responses and well wishes. I decided to go without the sedation/anesthesia. The doctor and especially the lab technicians questioned me (as I do not think they usually get this sort of request), but I assured them that I was going to be okay and that I would lay still. It was not bad at all as the doctor worked on me for only 15 mintues. You feel a pinch when the aspirator goes through the vaginal wall but that's about it. Anyways, it looks like they retrieved what seemed to be 2 mature eggs. The others were too small and not likely to fertilize. So, we are working with just two. They will call me tomorrow with the results and if I am lucky will go in for the embryo transfer on Friday or Saturday. If not lucky, then I will try again. Discobabe, I am using the ProlIVFic lab in Central.
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Hi Keepontrying, that's fantastic news and very brave of you. I felt the pinch even when I was put under... Let us know how they get on. Don't forget to put your feet up for 2-3 days after transfer, no cooling foods like watermelon, bitter melon, papya etc and only eat hot (temperature hot) foods and finally don't think too much otherwise the 2ww will seem like an eternity!
Good luck and tons of baby dust coming your way.
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It depends on one's threshold for pain, for me, i can't even bear the papsmear nor IUI so i opted for light anaesthesia, or else i will be in so much stress.
Good luck keepontrying, rest, rest rest for the next few days, no shopping, eat healthy, and like longing said, don't think too much, though i know that 2ww is the most stressful part. I envy you for being so brave ;-) Take care. Keep positive.
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I don't know if it's brave at all. I just prefer not taking medication if I don't have to (and as I mentioned before, it's taken a lot out of me to decide to go ahead with IVF given all medication involved). I do think I have a relatively high pain threshold so I suppose going without sedation is not for everyone. Anyways, I was glad it all went okay. It turns out one of my two eggs fertilized so I am going in for the transfer tomorrow. Although I am not as lucky as some women who have several eggs to transfer, I keep reminding myself that all I need is one good egg. We will see how it goes. Thank you for all your advice. I've thrown myself into the deep end here so being that this is my first IVF, it's great to get so much guidance from you and everyone else on this forum.
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All the best Keepontrying!
I hope the transfer goes smoothly and the embryos takewell.
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All the best. Do stay positive! I read somewhere that when IVF is done on animals - the success rate is 100%. The success rate is lower for humans because of the stress that we put ourselves through. All you need is one good egg and one good sperm - Take it easy!
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disco babe/Havefaith,
Thank you for your well wishes. My transfer went smoothly today. I had one egg which fertilized; the other was immature. Although I only had one embryo to transfer, the good news is that the embryp appeared to be a healthy one. The embryologist categorized it as grade 1 so hopefully this one will be strong enough to find its way to implant and keep growing. I will definitely take it easy and be and think like an animal these next couple of weeks! There is not much I can do now so I will watch lots of TV and read some good books. Will keep you all posted. I hope all is going well with you two and everyone else TTC. Do keep me posted on how things are going with you.
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17 yrs ago
That's great news Keepontrying!
A good grading of an embryo will hopefully make the difference.
I'll be taking a break from IVF and try again in July. It's very exhausting emotionally, physically and financially.
I had been going to the Sanatorium under Dr. Ho. My embryos were graded at 2 minus which is average not good. It sounds like your embriologist has a different grading system.
I have to try to improve my egg quality..... I guess it's not that easy. I'll be 41 in a few weeks and time is not on my side.
They also worked out that my progestorone levels were quite low, which could have contributed to not being able to carry it and get it to implant. I guess they should have worked that out earlier, instead of half way through the 2ww.
I can't remember..... did you use Sanatorium? Which Dr?
Good luck!
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Yes, it's a good start, but I still have a long way to go. It's not a 2ww for me but more like a 12+ ww given that my issue has been miscarriages. I am not exactly sure what my embryologist's grading system is. When I asked her about my embryo quality she said it was "1". She explained that by day 2, my embryo had divided into 4 evenly round cells. The pace of the division was good as some embryos divide into 2 or 3 by day 2. Also there was no fragmentation. I am trying not to get my hopes too high because I understand that you can always start out with a high grade embryo but for a successful pregnancy it needs to continue dividing at a healthy and evenly round shaped pace.
I've heard acupuncture can help with egg quality as it increases the blood flow to the ovaries as the follicles develop. Also, I've been reading up more about high LH (which is an issue I have) and how that has a negative effect on one's egg quality. My doctor suggested that one may be able to help this issue by starting with an injection to suppress one's LH level a few days before day one of your cycle. As for implantation, some say acupuncture helps with this as well. You do acup just before the transfer and then everyday for 5 days post the transfer. How did your doctor work out that your progesterone levels were low? I have not quite figured what is the appropriate test for this. My doctor is giving me pregnyl injections post the transfer as well as crinone (a vaginal progesterone cream) to help implantation. I am using the ProlIVFic lab in Central and Derek Lo.
Lastly, an acupuncturist I went to see a few months ago had the view that your body selects the best quality egg of the batch to develop and ovulate (when TTC naturally). When one takes medication to superovulate and produce more eggs for IUI or IVF purposes, your body needs to spread out whatever resources it has to develop those extra eggs which means those eggs will likely be of lesser quality. In other words, if one does go for superovulation, one should not aim for too many eggs as you are just spreading your already limited resources thinner and thinner. His view is to put your limited resources in developing just one or a few eggs. You will likely get better quality that way. Anyways, just another professional view out there that I thought I'd share with you. Good luck with TTC. IVF can be very exhausting as you say. During your break, I would encourage you to continue to try naturally. You just never know when that good egg will decide to pop up.
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Hi keepontrying, I've sent you a pm
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17 yrs ago
Hi Keepontrying, I wanted to send you a PM but don't know how.
I'm also seeing Dr Derek Lo and just had my transfer last Thursday. I also did the 5 day acupuncture thing and am on the same medication - pregnyl jab and crinone gel until my pregnancy test next Thursday. I'm trying to think like an animal too during the 2WW but find it impossible as my mind keeps visualising what's going on inside my uterus!
I hope you are doing well and look forward to your positive news!
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I just sent you a PM.
How did your transfer go? Was it smooth? How many embryos did you end up transfering? I hope you get a positive test this Thursday. I am praying for you. Yes, think like an animal and don't think too much about what's going on inside your body.
Unfortunately for me, I tested negative and got my period last week. Derek Lo suggested I take one month rest and try IVF again the following cycle. In the meantime, I am tracking my follicular growth. Turns out on day 4, I had 6 follicles. I guess there is still some residual medication in me that is continuing to help my follicles grow because I have never seen that many follicles before. I should ovulate sometime this week.
I do have a few questions if you or anyone on this forum has any insight.
1) Do your doctors tend to prescribe progesterone post ovulation even for a natural cycle? I have heard some doctors recommend this for women over 40 and other doctors who don't if it's a natural cycle. Any insight would help as I am going for a natural cycle this time and would like to know whether I should be taking progesterone or not.
2) Derek Lo suggested to rest a cycle since he wants the residual medication to clear up in my body before trying again. Does that mean that I should not take progesterone post ovulation this cycle? Unfortunately, Derek is on holiday now so I am unable to ask him the question.
3) My hubby has low morphology but good motility. Given that I am going for a natural cycle, would a natural cycle IUI increase my chances vs just trying naturally the good old fashioned way?
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Hi keepontrying,
That's the spirit, keep on trying!!!
1-2. I remember i didn't take anything if i "rest" and go for natural cycle, once you found out you're preggy, if it's past your lutheal phase or whatever means you are doing, then go see a doctor and get progesterone right away.
3. IUI has higher chance than naturally doing the good old fashioned way, but the stress is there again, going to the doctor, taking those jabs, medicine. It's your call. If he has good motility, then my opinion is "rest" for a month going to the doctor.
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1. I think it depends on your progestorone level. If your progestrone level is quite high (>20) 1 week after the IVF/IUI, it is my understanding that you wont be given any during your natural cycle.
3. I assume when you say natural cycle IUI - you mean one without stimulation. The chances are still higher than if you BD - because they wash the sperms and also they time the IUI - I think that is true even if DH's sperm count is good and so on. The disadvantage of an IUI is that DH has to save up for at least 2 days - so the timing of the IUI is crucial.
Hope this helps.
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honeypie and Havefaith,
1. Thanks for your insight about the progesterone.
3. Yes, I mean natural cycle IVF without stimulation. I've decided after today's scan that I will TTC naturally the good old fashioned way. Will see how it goes. If I test negative again, then I will give IVF another go.
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