3rd IUI with no success

Posted by ezpz 17 yrs ago
Today was supposed to be THE day to test if I am pregnant but instead of pulling out the pregnancy kit from the wrapper, I'm unwrapping a tampon. Same thing happened with the last IUI.

I've just turned 41 and think perhaps I should not waste time and go for IVF.

Or should I just try another cycle of IUI?

I've got nothing against IVF except that I know it's rather invasive, may not be good for the mum in the long run plus another reason which I know it's stupid but with IUI, at least conception takes place inside the uterus and feels more "natural" unlike IVF which is literally a "out of body" experience. I'm also afraid of contamination and possible side effects on the babies in the future.

Anyway, I will see my doctor again this week to find out more about IVF.

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788 17 yrs ago
ezpz, I think you are being unfairly negative about your pregnancy test as well as on ivf. I hope you haven't used the tampon if your AF did not come.

I would strongly recommend going for IVF after you have resolved the natural vs unnatural conflict within. It is only as invasive as you think it to be. You are having a few more vaginal ultrasounds to monitor the eggs, and egg retrieval is considered a minor surgery. There is no real evidence from what I know that ivf is bad for the mother in the long run. In the short run- the meds drive you crazy, but so do they for IUI. I know of several very healthy and very smart ivf babies.

I understand where you are coming from that this whole conception thing is supposed to be a natural and it is the best course. But, it is not always an option for a number of people and at the end of the day bottom line is whether you would like to have a child or whether it matters to you so much where it was conceived.

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Petie 17 yrs ago
I was in exactly your position. We had 3 failed IUIs and decided to try one more time and then go for IVF. I was so upset all the time and it felt like TTC was taking over everything. I figured we would just stop wasting time and go straight to IVF as IUI seemed to be a waste of precious time.

But, the fourth one worked! it felt like a miracle because we had pretty much accepted that we would have to do IVF. Our Dr always recommened five or six IUIs before trying something else so I am glad we kept at it.

TTC is a horrible process but I would suggest you at least try one more. Maybe use a different doctor or ask to try different meds; it might make you feel more positive.

Best of luck.

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honeypie 17 yrs ago
I had 3 IUI too before going to IVF. Do not give up hope, IVF has a higher chance than IUI. Hang in there! No pain, no gain.

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alijbj 17 yrs ago
ezpz, try to stay positive. as 788 says, ivf babies are also very smart.

i'm not as lucky as you and couldn't even try IUI and had to go straight for IVF. i have been going thru treatment since last nov. Yes, IVF may not be as natural but there are still options open. If you don't choose ICSI (ie. inject the sperm into egg), then its really up to the chosen sperms to fertilize the eggs. but of couse, with IVF you would want to increase your chances and go for ICSI. Yet still you have your 2ww to see if implantation occured, then the first 13 weeks we have to pray that the emby stays strong & healthy. for me, its more the emotional side rather than physical side effects from the meds. Also, you can go for a natural IVF cycle which is without those meds (gonal f, lupron etc). I'm on my 4th treatment and doctor says to try a natural ivf cycle and see how it goes.

baby dust to all TTC.

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Keepontrying 17 yrs ago

I know exactly how you feel as I went through what you are going through. I ovulate regularly and have been able to get pregnant naturally. However, in the last year, I had three miscarriages. My ob/gyn said that I did not need IUI nor IVF as I was getting pregnant naturally so suggested I just keep on trying naturally. When I failed to get pregnant the first three cycles of this year, I decided that I had to pick up the pace because I am not getting any younger. I thought how nice it would be to have a baby the good old fashioned way without drugs etc. Also I started reading about the long term side effects and risks of fertilitiy medication and IVF which really scared me. There are some articles claiming that the probability of birth defects is increased with IVF but then there are other studies saying there is no evidence of this. In the end then, I think the concensus from the medical profession is that it's all inconclusive. I am still trying to go as natural as possible (I had a natural IUI in my last cycle and considered natural IVF for this one, but in the end decided I had to just go for it and took the drugs). At my age, I am not getting a lot of follicles to begin with so the reality is I need as much help as I can get if I am going to try to succeed. I still have mixed feelings about the medication since one never knows what effect it will have on the mother or the baby in the long term. But so far, many of my friends have very healthy IVF babies and the mothers are doing fine. As honeypie says, no pain, no gain. Since you are 41, you could probably try another few cycles of IUI, but I would not wait too long as your egg number and quality diminishes with age. If I had tried IVF a year ago, I am sure I would have had a better chance than I would now. A year ago, my doctor easily saw 4+ follicles on day 3. With stimulation I would have developed more. Now I am only seeing 2 follicles and with stimulation am getting at best about 4. Good luck.

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ezpz 17 yrs ago
Thank you all for your kind words and support (and 788 for knocking some sense into me!). I feel much more positive now. Spoke to my doctor today and he'll see me tomorrow to discuss IVF options. He thinks my chance is good as our problem lies more with my husband's sperm count and quality. And according to him, IVF can easily solve this problem. I hope he is right.

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788 17 yrs ago
:) ezpz, you will get there. I am sure. Just keep your eyes on the prize!

Btw, we also had male factor issues (quite severe one at that). My husband did get his varicocele surgery done because it was so bad that our embryo quality was successively quite low and they would not hold. We got very lucky, we conceived naturally 7 months later due to the procedure. I know of other cases where couples have bypassed the surgery and gone straight to IVF and have conceived as well. Just browse on the forum- you will find more successful cases with similar issues. So there is hope!

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