pregnant after miscarriage

Posted by number7 18 yrs ago
hello, first of all thanks again to everyone who wrote and sent kind words after my last pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

I am now pregnant again and although I am excited I am scared it will all go wrong again. Anyone out there with a similar experience and how did you cope with the worry?

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mrsl 18 yrs ago
Congratulations number 7! You probably know, that after 1 m/c, the statistics are in your favour - you are likely to go on to have a normal pregnancy.

That said, the stats never gave me much comfort. For me, the only think that worked was constant monitoring. Most people advise that there is no point in going to the obstetrician before 7 or 8 weeks, when a heartbeat should be visible by ultrasound. Much as that made sense, I have tended to go right away for the doctor to decide whether I needed aspirin or progesterone supplements etc. I have also had regular bloodtests to monitor HCG levels and establish whether there is a healthy pattern. Early scans also gave an idea of measurement for gestational age etc.

This course of action might not help everyone, in fact for many the constant tests etc. may cause more stress and anxiety. For me, however, it gave me a more manageable timeline and some sense that I was doing something. Most importantly, it gave me 'an early warning system' that managed my expectations when things were not looking good. I will never forget the devastation when I came back from holiday at 8 weeks expecting to see a flickering heartbeat and there was none.

I have also taken heart from other symptoms. If I feel normal for the first few weeks, I worry like crazy, if I am totally exhausted, I get more optimistic (although the novelty of feeling like hell rapidly wears off). This is a very individual test though, some lucky women feel wonderful for 9 months. I just remember how I felt with my 2 healthy pregnancies.

Back to you. Hope that it will all go smoothly for you this time. Try not to worry too much (I know how ridiculous that sounds). Looking forward to hearing some more good news from you soon!!!

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
7, i just lost a baby last year too and now i am pregnant again. i know exactly what you mean by trying not to worry. it's normal to worry after what you have been through. i was paranoid when i first found out that i was pregnant. especially when i started bleeding at 6 weeks, i thought i lost it for sure. but i am 13 weeks pg now. so, enjoy the thought of pregnancy. buy yourself something nice to reward yourself for the pregnancy, eat good food ( i spent more on food after finding out that i was pregnant, ha ha), you can worry but dont worry too much. take it easy, take your vitamins, see your doctor and dont strain yourself with heavy stuff. good luck, it will be okay. dont fred.

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number7 18 yrs ago
thanks for your words of encouragement,just wanted to share that I had my 12 week scan and everything looks good. The baby was even jumping around and doing somersaults! I'm starting to relax a bit but still can't help but worry. I am staying positive though and good luck with your pregnancy mrsl.

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