9wks - no heartbeat

Posted by longing 17 yrs ago
Looks like I'm back in the queue. Doc confirmed this morning that the heartbeat was gone. I was really upset this morning but not so much now. I guess being pregnant never sunk in to begin with, so not being pregnant just seems like the norm.

Does anyone know how soon you can start trying again after DC. Should I wait a month to recover first then try again naturally and go on to my third and final IVF? Any one with experience out there -would love to hear from you


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alijbj 17 yrs ago
so sorry to hear about the disappointment. keep hoping and don't give up. we will get there soon.

did you have a natural miscarriage or DC? i had a natural m/c back in feb and doctor did not advise me to wait a month or two. but what i found was because of lost of blood, physically I was not fit. and turns out that there were no follies in the following month. i would recommend you to take lots of high protein food, like chicken soup and avoid drinking alcohol or cold drinks. you may also crave for ginger, you can make a ginger & honey drink. also, my doctor told me not to take any chinese medicine as it could affect my estrogen level. acupuncture is ok though. i did take chi med after m/c which may be the reason for no follies. hope this helps.

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honeypie 17 yrs ago
Hi Longing,

Sorry to hear your news. Somtimes bad things in our life are needed for good things to come. Keep the faith. I admire you for being brave and standing up again to try again. Maybe a month or two you can do your IVF. Take care.

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Jade88 17 yrs ago
Dear Longing,

I am so sorry to hear your devasting news. After seeing the heartbeat before, it must be even more devastating for you.

Good news is I have 2 friends who conceived successfully right after a m/c. Neither needed a DC, but one conceived immediately after and one conceived after on month (after next cycle). I know Troy says to wait 3 months for the 'optimum result' but I sometimes wish I hadn't waited so long, as age in a major factor in 'optimum results'.

Hang in there and take care of yourself.

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Gabriella 17 yrs ago
Dear Longing,

I understand how you feel and I am so sorry.

Hang in there though - I have a story. In February, I went to the doctor thinking I was 11 weeks along and found out that I had had a missed miscarriage at about 6 weeks. I was terribly upset - I have a lengthy post on this forum somewhere, the supporting words from some very kind people and a supportive husband got me through.

I had a D & C the day after finding out - I asked the doctor to double check just to be sure. It was a very sad time in our lives.

Anyway, I had 1 period in March (30 days post D & C) and VOILA! I fell pregnant again in April. I am now nearly 10 weeks pregnant and all seems fine.

We are delighted - I am a little scared and naturally cautious with my emotions. I am also so grateful, the experience in February as made me treasure this little one all the more.

I promise it will work out - hang in there and if you would like to talk please feel free to pm me.

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Havefaith 17 yrs ago

I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

It happened to us last Oct - heartbeat was gone at 10 week scan. I cried for a while by myself and with DH. I was still in tears for several months after that.

I asked Dr. Ho if I could start IUI or IVF the month after the D&C and was advised to wait one full cycle.

Do be strong! We are still waiting to get on the plane - but I am sure we will all get on.


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Aussierules 17 yrs ago
Dear Longing,

Sorry about your loss.

I too had a m/c at 9 weeks last Oct. My only advice is that if you believe in Chinese medicine and acupuncture, seek the treatment asap. I was very unhappy, waited 6 months and my BBT was all over the place. As a result, we didn't conceive for all that time whereas my 1st pregnancy only took us 3 months to conceive naturally! I've been back to Troy Sing for nearly 2 months now and things are starting to look up. Don't delay any treatment to bring your cycles back on track.

BTW, my obs advised a 2 months rest b4 trying again. Your body has just fought a battle, it needs time to recuperate.

Good luck

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Keepontrying 17 yrs ago
Dear longing,

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I had 3 miscarriages so I know exactly what you are going through. It will not be an easy few weeks, but do try to stay positive and know that these things happen for a reason. I have never had a D&C as I miscarried naturally twice (after 6 1/2 weeks). My last miscarriage happened at 9 1/2 weeks and I also tried to miscarry naturally but after 3 weeks there was still no blood. My doctor then gave me an oral drug called cytotec. It helps your uterus to contract. I took 2 doses and within 6 hours the heavy bleeding was pretty much complete. You may want to consider this option as it requires no surgery. You do get some cramping while you are bleeding but that is about it. You may also want to ask your doctor whether it would be worthwhile getting the fetus tested to see why you may have miscarried.

My doctor told me there was no medical reason not to try again immediately after a miscarriage. I think some doctors suggest people wait one, two or more cycles but that may be for emotional and psychological reasons. I tried immediately after my first two miscarriages and got pregnant again after just one cycle.

Wishing you all the best.

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longing 17 yrs ago
Thanks all for your very supportive words and encouraging success stories after such sadness makes me more determined to keep on trying. I've really surprized myself because somehow in such a short space of time I've managed to pick myself up which is even more worrying! Maybe it just wasn't meant to be this time round.

I went for a second opinion today to reconfirm before deciding on the next steps, however I was not given the option of taking medication without surgery by either of the docs so maybe it has something to do with the progestorone I was on. I'm just guessing here. Anyway I will be glad to get this over and done with so I can start over again.

Are there any foods I should avoid and or take more after the D&C? Just want to make this a very speedy recovery physically and mentally


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Gabriella 17 yrs ago
I don't think there are any foods you should avoid post D & C, at least my doctor did not warn me of any.

Try and take care of yourself - be kind to yourself, if you want to have some ice cream - have it. Put your feet up for a few days and try to emotionally nuture yourself - it sounds basic but watch some happy, uplifting or silly, funny movies. Book a facial - or something nice for yourself. Above all just take care of yourself.

I read a lot about this when I was going through it and most of the books / internet sights said to 1) take care of yourself then 2) when the time is right move on (don't dwell) - a lot of articles I read said that depression and sadness can impede conception. I know that it is not easily done - to move on and some days will be better than others - but every day is a new chance to start afresh.

Most of us here do understand how you feel and can relate - please know that you are not going through this alone and it will get better.

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