Posted by
17 yrs ago
I have been diagnosed with low palatelet level, which in my 28th wk was at a level of 77, where normally it should be 120. i am now 28 wks and a few days over. I am really worried. Are there any remedies that anyone knows of or any supplements? I also have gbs that is strep b and have been suggested to take anti biotics through an iv during labor. has anyone suffered from either of the illnesses?
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I was strep b as well and it is no big deal - they just give you an iv when you check into hospital, you can still walk about etc as they just hook you up to a frame for the iv. I understand that quite a significant portion of women are strep b positive - something like 30%. They also like you to deliver within 12 hours of water breaking so I think they are more likely to give you pitocene to move things along if you are strep b - but your doctor would be able to advise on that.
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