Natural delivery w Philip Ho

Posted by AugustBump 17 yrs ago
Hi everyone,

i am 38 wks preggo and hoping for a natural delivery at Canossa. Anyone whom can share their experiences with Dr Ho and his anaethetist is much appreciated

My questions are :

When will the doc really arrive during the labour? At early stage of labour ie 2-3 cm dilation and will he stay generally till I am in full labour action ie which could be hours?? Or does he comes and goes?

How abt the Anaethetist? As I am requesting for epidural at Stage 1 of labour - will he stay on till actual labour to adjust any of the dosage if required or does the midwife take over the leg work after the catheter is inserted?

I have birth plan ready for the Canossa nurses - do they follow thru the instructions or do I have to keep reminding them of the plan existence?

i guess i am feeling nervous as this is my first pregnancy and time is ticking away.....

many thanks!

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AugustBump 17 yrs ago
thank you Crystal for the vote of confidence in Dr Ho. Yes.. I have made it very clear to him that I want natural delivery unless its not medically feasible during the labour due to complications.

I will definitely need to restress to hubby abt the birth plan so that he can take charge if I am medically knock out.


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AugustBump 17 yrs ago
hi Waffle_hk

oh definitely with epidural!!! I am currently due to be induced on next Tuesday... not sure what to expect as I am still hoping that bubs will come out naturally before tuesday if possible. Fingers and toes are crossing!!

Some say with inducement - the speed of delivery is quicker but when rupturing the water bags - the pain maybe heighten. Hance - slower recovery. I really dont know.......

Hopefully - will have a speedy and safe delivery!


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