Personal experiences with doctors in Hong Kong

Posted by Keepontrying 17 yrs ago
As you may know I have taken over the spreadsheet that wishing and hoping had been putting together which included experiences individuals had with various doctors in Hong Kong. If you have any personal experiences with doctors you would like to share, please PM your comments and I will add them to the spreadsheet. For those who would find the table helpful, let me know and I will be happy to forward you a copy.


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scotsgirlinhk 17 yrs ago
i would like a copy. Thanks

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Bus 17 yrs ago
please could you send me a copy too


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miffy 17 yrs ago
I would love a copy, thanks.

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boedker 16 yrs ago
I would like to have a copy too, thanks.

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suem 16 yrs ago
pls send it to me. thanks.

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TTC123 16 yrs ago
Hi pls send to me too, thanks

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stjo 16 yrs ago
Hi, could you send me a copy please. Thanks

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worker bee 16 yrs ago
please send me a copy. thank you.

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boster 16 yrs ago
May I please have a copy as well? Thank you.

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expatinhk 16 yrs ago
Can you please send me a copy too? Thanks!

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blank_page03 16 yrs ago
May I please have a copy as well? Thank you.

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jewel838 16 yrs ago
May I please have a copy as well? Thank you.

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Kayyes 16 yrs ago
Can you please send me a copy as well. Thanks!

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Nicher 16 yrs ago
May I have a copy too? Thanks!

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beso11 16 yrs ago
Hi, Can I have a copy too, pls.


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Keepontrying 16 yrs ago
Sent to all your PM boxes.

beso11, did you not receive it? I sent it on Oct 13. Let me know as I would be happy to send again if you did not receive.

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beso11 16 yrs ago
Hello keepontrying, I got it...THANKS!!!!!

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colinants 16 yrs ago
Hi....and me please! Thanks.

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voyager05 16 yrs ago
Me too please....

Thanks a lot!

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Starbucks2 16 yrs ago
Can I please have a copy too. Thanks. Now that Dr Dawkins has left, I am OB/GYN shopping!!


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miao miao 16 yrs ago
Can I please have a copy too? Thanks a lot!

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voyager05 16 yrs ago

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maryp 16 yrs ago
Can i pls have a copy please, tks a lot

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qwerty123 16 yrs ago
I had my baby at queen mary - but was using Dr Ho for a few check ups - and to be honest if you were not going to use him for delivery then he isnt interested....he even got his nurse to lie to me saying that he was in emergency at the hospital and could not see me for an appointment - I was downstairs when she rang - and needed a pee so went up anyhow ...just to find a room full of patients and him there...needless to say the nurse - kelly - looked super embarrased....terrible way to treat a patient! I was only going to ask his opinion as QM said they wanted to insude me early and i wanted to know my options....

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Keepontrying 16 yrs ago

Thank you for your feedback. Will incorporate this into my spreadsheet.


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aulinpike 16 yrs ago
hi. can i please have a copy as well??

thank you in advance.

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Sam100 16 yrs ago
Two years ago, Dr Christine Choy injured my bladder during an emergecny c section. Needless to say she was pretty flustered and tried to cover the reasons up for it happening. I developed a fistula which took two months to properly diagnose and then that was only done because I finally went to see a urologist which she had suggested I didn't need to. She then said she would be able to repair the fistula. This was totally inappropriate and should only be done by an experienced urologist. I returned back to my home country and luckily found a urologist who did this successfully. At this point, it was 7 months post birth. I lived with urine leakage for 7 months due to the incompetencies of this doctor - first she injured my bladder, next she failed to diagnose the problem in a timely manner, third she tried to cover up the reasons for it happening (on my repair operation, none of the reasons she gave were considered valid by the urologist). My whole experience of first year motherhood was affected and it has taken me a long time to get over it. I would say to anyone out there considering seeing her or currently seeing her - DON'T! Don't be taken in by the fancy equipment or the nice bedside manner. I was and look what happened to me. When things go wrong she is not competent. Looking back, she was highly interventionist and heavily reliant on objective measurement rather than experience and knowledge I felt.

Lets face it a lot can go wrong when it comes to childbirth so I wouldn't recommend anyone take the risk with this doctor.

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Keepontrying 16 yrs ago

I am so sorry to hear about your experience. I am happy to know that in the end you did have a successful operation to repair the fistula. I will incorporate your feedback into my spreadsheet. Thank you for sharing.


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Apple123hk 16 yrs ago
Hi, Could you send me a copy pls. Thks!

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Jenny Chui 16 yrs ago
Hi I would like to have a copy too, thanks.

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Starbucks2 16 yrs ago
Hi Keepontrying. Can you please resend a copy to me as I don't seem to have received it. Many thanks, SB2

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moggie 16 yrs ago
Hi there,

May I have a copy please? Thank you.

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curiousgeorge1 16 yrs ago

May I please have a copy, thanks and thanks for keeping this up!!!!

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Keepontrying 16 yrs ago
Hi Everyone,

It seems my computer is down (and that computer contained the latest spreadsheet I had. - Updated as of Nov 2008). I have sent this spreadsheet out to several of you above, so if one of you wouldn't mind sending the spreadsheet back to me, I can then save it on the new computer I have and continue to distribute it to everyone. Thanks so much!


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Vachas 16 yrs ago
Hi please send me a copy of the same. I am new to HK and 6 months pregnant and wondering where to have the Baby - in HK/ private or public... reviews are confusing.

Thanks a lot

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Keepontrying 16 yrs ago
Sorry for the delay. The computer which has the spreadsheet is down and I am on a new computer. Am trying to get the spreadsheet back from some of the folks I sent it onto earlier. Once I get it, I will most certainly forward it out.

To anyone whom I recently sent this spreadsheet out to, would you plse PM me back a copy? It's the one which has been most updated with November 2008 info. Thanks in advance!


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hknewbie 16 yrs ago
Hi, just sent you a PM requesting a copy.


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Boo 16 yrs ago
Can I please have a copy too? Would be great. Thanks so much!

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Keepontrying 16 yrs ago

I have finally got the spreadsheet now. Thank you voyager05!. For those who still want the spreadsheet, please send me a PM.


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