Small for dates baby

Posted by Babeez 16 yrs ago
Hi all,

I am 25 weeks along and have been told that our little one is about 2 weeks behind in terms of growth. Is this pretty regular? Our first was always about two weeks ahead so i am a bit concerned about our next little one. Anyone been told they have a 'small for dates' baby and did the baby then have any health problems? I am worried that our baby will be at a low birth weight and need special care. I have been told to eat and rest more but i eat well and can't get as much rest as i like as i have a 9 month-old to look after. Any advice from anyone who has been in a similar situation? Am i fretting about nothing or should i really be concerned?

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cd 16 yrs ago
My friend was told frequently during her pregnancy that her baby was small for dates, they gave her lots of extra monitoring, and were basically very pessimistic all the way through, causing lots of stress and worry to my friend. As it was her baby came 3 weeks early, weighing over 6lbs, hardly small for that early, no problems at all.

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namaste 16 yrs ago
SGA babies are unusual in real life and often caused by smoking, alcohol consumption, chronic maternal health problems (high BP, diabetes) or pre-eclampsia. I worked in midwifery for many years before coming to HK and the babies who were labeled IUGR and LGA were most often not at birth. The measurements can be off by something like 6-10%, on both sides of the scale - so there is a lot of room for variance. LBW babies are monitored for low blood sugar (jitteriness, lethargy, irritability) and body temperature regulation is monitored (as it is with all newborns). I think the worst thing you can do is to worry. Just take good care of yourself and put faith in yourself that everything is ok.

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PDNS 16 yrs ago
If i can remember correctly - i was told the same thing too at one of the pre-natal check-up but I gave birth to a 3.1kg. Actually I was not worry at all because everything shows that the baby was fine. I was 7.5 months pregnant and walked to a shop to buy a jacket, the lady did not even notice i was pregnant, when I told her i can't button up then she realized that i was pregnant and asked "3 months?"


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NZlawyergirl 16 yrs ago
I would not worry too much unless your dr is cocnerned. I think that it is very hard for the specialists to tell conclusively. I was told that my baby would be btw 8 and 9 pounds at full term and was 10.5 pounds and 2 weeks early!! Speak to your dr if you remain concerned but I am sure all is fine and you still have lots of time for the baby's size to catch up before full term.

All the best

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squiggles 16 yrs ago

i had the same problem with no2. at around the same time as you my doc told me that the baby was a couple of weeks behind in growth, weight etc. He wasn't overly concerned. For the rest of the pregnancy my baby stayed small and the doc for a very small time considered taking the baby out at 37weeks. however, once he felt the baby kick and realised how strong it was, he decided to leave it until the scheduled c-section date at 38 weeks. my little girl born weighing just 2.4kg (5.1lbs) but perfectly healthy in every respect!

Please don't worry too much. Just continue to monitor your baby's movements and if they decrease substantially later on in pregnancy then call the doctor. Doctors tend to prefer to take underweight babies out earlier rather than later so they can receive more nutrition quickly. But just because your baby is underweight doesn't mean it will need special care necessarily. My little angel was fine even if she was minute!

meanwhile, she has caught up loads and in her first year has been in the 50th percentile range. don't worry too much as that won't help your pregnancy!

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Babeez 16 yrs ago
Thanks all for your reassuring replies. I am feeling better after the initial 'shock' of the news. Googling, changing eating habits, feeling teary and emotional. Then i just got over the fact that at least (hopefully) the baby is healthy. I am actually carrying quite big and the doc wants to take the baby out at 37 weeks. Interesting to know that they would rather they be out early, i thought a small baby would have done better being in the womb longer. Anyhow, just into my third trimester now and feeling strong kicks, so i have faith this little one may not be so little after all. Thanks all.

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squiggles 16 yrs ago
hi Babeez,

I thought the same so I asked the doc. The medical reasoning is that for some reason they cannot se, the baby is obviously not getting the correct nutrition they need inside the womb, so the safest thing to do is to take the baby out as soon as safely it can so it can receive all the nutrition it needs as soon as it comes out.

my baby was low on glucose when it came out and started off drinking ever such a tiny bit of milk. after a few days the change was already obvious!

good luck and don't panic - lots of people have small babies all the time!

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jallore 16 yrs ago
It`s so early for you to be worried. 6 weeks ago my dr told me I was measuring 3 weeks too big, I freaked out, started moving around a bit, and then 3 weeks later I was normal. 2 weeks later (today) she tells me the baby is a bit small. i think it must change so much during the pregnancy. Just wait and see at your next appointment. This is just your chance to wat whatever you want!

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raspberryrox 14 yrs ago
Thanks! I'm currently pregnant at 23 weeks, and the doc's told me that our baby is like 2 weeks behind... yet looks healthy. Been quite worried.. coz he suggested we get a fetal anatomy scan done.. then a CMV blood test (some infection possible) --just had that yesterday.. have another appointment in a about 10 days. Just wanted to say thanks, coz reading all your posts makes me feel much better!

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