Posted by
disco babe
16 yrs ago
I'm 41 and TTC #2. I've already had my third unsuccessful IVF and my blood tests for the last three months have shown high levels of FSH.
Has anyone had any success in trying to lower their FSH levels?
16 yrs ago
Pls read my post: "Huge Egg increase with DHEA: ovarian aging" and pls read the articles I am referring to!!!
Disco babe,
My FSH was reduced from 14 to 6 within 3 months of accupuncture and chinese herbs. It stayed down throughout my TCM treatments.
Hi HF,
May I know where did you seek your TCM treatments? Do you need to tell them specifically you are seeking treatments to reduce FSH?
I was seeing Troy Sing. I did not specifically ask him to lower my FSH. I told him I wanted to get pregnant. He ended up lowering my FSH - and I am now slightly more than 6 months pregnant.
Thanks, HF. Can I have the address and tel no of Troy sing? How long did you see him before you got pregnant?
Troy's no. is 2526-7908. His clinic is on 10th in the building next to Yung Kee - please call the no. for the name of the building.
I started seeing him last Oct/Nov - and he told me it would take 6 to 9 cycles to improve the egg quality. We got pregnant in my 7th cycle after seeing Troy.
Hi Havefaith,
Great to hear that you are a mom to be. I am seeing Dr Troy 2 weeks ago and just had a 3rd attempt IVF, transfer (fresh cycle) yesterday by Dr Alex Doo. I am just 40 years old. So a bit anxious.
I only saw Dr Troy 2 weeks ago after the nurse in Dr M.Leong office mentioned his name. I hope it will be a success.
Can i ask the last time you tried is a IVF cycle? you mentioned that it takes 6-9 cycles to improve the eggs. so in between how many IVF cycles you tried. Or you just waited until the best timing Dr Troy told you to start IVF again?
May i know some details for my reference. In the past 6 months, i tried 3 IVF cycles already and hope this time it will be a success. I got 13 eggs retrieved, but only 4 at the end made the road to my tummy. No left behind. I guess egg quality is important too.
And for bed rest, do you need to rest long hours after transfer? or can you share with me what did you do, what make the different during the 2 ww period this time on your success? if you are doing IVF. Which doctor you saw?
Lolo 32,
I have tried 1 IVF (in May 2007) - without success. I have been pregnant 3 other times - either naturally or with natural cycel of IUI. This time I got pregnant with a natural cycle of IUI - i.e. IUI without drugs. During the 6 month I was seeing Troy, I did not try IVF again - but did do two or three of IUI cycles.
I did all my ART with Dr. Ho (since Jan 2007). I think for the times that I did get pregnant (including this time) - I was just more relaxed and less stressed at work and on TTC. In fact, this time round, I really did not think I would get pregnant because I had ovulated before the IUI procedure - Dr. Ho told me my chances were low this time becos I had ovulated and he was not sure when I ovulated. I would suggest to everyone who is TTCing - to try your best to relax - I know it is hard but it is the one thing that seems to have worked for me.
Hi HF,
So glad to hear you did make it naturally, by IUI without any drugs. May i know which Dr Ho you are seeing ? at this point, i dont know shall i blame on the doctor or myself. As it seems every doctor tried their best to give you some kind of medication, and it all depends on your body and power to stand the drugs. I do know relax is most important. Most disturbing to every cycle in my case, is my work, as i need to travel every month and need to meet clients. But personally, i am a very relax person.
I am excited to see whoever posted on this blog get pregnant, as this is very encouraging. I just tried 11 months to concieve unnaturally, before that, i havent really tried any before. So during these 11 months, I took a lot of medications, injections, even now i have to have 3 injections per day until the blood test.
I am 40, so still have 2 years to go.
With hope, and thanks for your support,
I have read your supportive messages to others for a while, and happy to read from you direct.
Take care, and proud of you,
I was (and still am) with Dr. Philip Ho. I was travelling alot on my last job - each week I was going on at least one trip. I ended up quiting my old job - now I work part-time. Given my age (just turned 41), I re-priortised my life and put TTC as my first priority and put my career lower down. I dont think this is necessary for everyone. However, it really was for me - both becos of the amount of traveling and the amount of stress my old job was giving me.
Take care + lots of baby dust to you!
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Hi HF,
Thank you so much, i will let you know the result :)
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