Post OSCAR testing

Posted by bluetapestries 16 yrs ago
I am 31 years old, 13 weeks pregnant, and just got the results back from my OSCAR screening which came back positive (1:227). My previous test for my first baby was 1:328 (negative) in March 2007. I'm struggling whether to go for the CVS or amnio and wanted to see if anyone out there has done this recently, and if so, where. Thanks.

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Havefaith 16 yrs ago

I have recently gone thru this - well we opted not to have the oscar test. Because the oscar test is not accurate - instead we had a detailed scan with 2 doctors at 13 week and both doctors thought baby was OK. Accordingly, we did not do CVS (because the chance of m/c is higher than amnio) and the 2 doctors would have recommended it if the scans had not been good. Instead, we did amnio at 17 week - and the test came back fine.

What did your doctor say about the detailed scans? The scans should give your doctor a better indication than OSCAR test.

For my age (41), I would have got a bad OSCAR test result - so that may have been another factor why both doctors recommended against a OSCAR test.


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babybemine 16 yrs ago
I did the amnio at 17 weeks at the HK Prediagnostic Centre with Dr Lam (tel: 2877-3280). He has alot of experience with amnios.

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montana1 16 yrs ago

I'm 40, 22 weeks pregnant. I had a OSCAR scan done which came back fine as well as an abnormality scan where they check all limbs and organs. I did an AMNIO for my first baby. I did the AMNIO with Dr. Philip Ho in Central very professional.

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Havefaith 16 yrs ago
By the way, Dr. Philip Ho also did my amnio test. He was very good and I felt quite safe (despite the chance of m/c).

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beso11 16 yrs ago
Hello Havefaith,babybemine and montana1,

I'm planning on having Amnio test done at 17 weeks. I jjust had a few questions:

1. Do I need to rest 2-3 days after

2. Does it hurt?

3. how much time should I allocate (hubby is coming with me)

4.when did you get the results back/

Thanks for all your help..if you think of anyting else I should know, please let me know...thanks again.


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Havefaith 16 yrs ago

1. Dr. Ho recommended 1 day's rest - just the day of Amnio. For one week after that, no swimming, baths, or intercourse. I decided not to exercise and take it easy for one week.

2. It does not hurt very much. It is just a needle that goes in - for no more than 1 or 2 minutes.

3. Although the procedure only take a couple of minutes, Dr. Ho did a detailed scan first - which took about 20 mins. Then our baby was moving so much (and so close to the needle) we had to wait for baby to move out of the way - and that took another 25mins. For a friend of mine, it took about 5 mins - because her baby was more co-operative.

4. There is a faster (and newer) test which would take 2 days. Because Dr. Ho did not recommend it - we did the longer test where the lab culture the specimen. The results came back 3 weeks later. However, Dr. Ho had advised us on the day of the amnio that he thought our baby was OK.


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bluetapestries 16 yrs ago
Thanks so much for your responses. For those who did the amnio, any reason you decided to go with the amnio as opposed to the CVS?

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Havefaith 16 yrs ago

CVS carries a higher risk of m/c. However, the benefit of CVS is you can get it done earlier - I think it is 14 week or so. Whereas, an amnio is done at 17 week.

Dr. Ho recommended we did amnio - becos the detailed scan was good and the additional risk was not necessary.


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babybemine 16 yrs ago
Bluetapestries - the doc never suggested the CVS maybe because I had already missed the cut-off on the time. I preferred the amnio anyway because I do not know anyone who has done the CVS, I did not mind waiting until 17 weeks, and I did not want to take the additional miscarriage risk of the CVS.

Beso11 - plan to take the rest of the day off after the amnio. I did mine after lunch and then went home and lay flat until evening. I also took it easy for the next few days. As Havefaith said, it does not hurt much. If you do it with Dr Lam, they call you the next day about the downs syndrome status. The full results take 2 or 3 weeks but they only call you if there is an issue.

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