Bed rest and what to do after IVF transfer

Posted by lolo32 16 yrs ago
Hi all,

I just had my 3rd IVF attempt and fresh cycle transfer yesterday (3rd day transfer), now is waiting. I would like to hear from your experience that what should i do, like best rest for continuing 3 days before going to work, or lying down in bed all time.... what makes the difference do you girls notice any? i know if one is naturally pregnant, you dont need to care so much. But if it is a IVF transfer, shall we stay very calm for a while before moving. If so for how long? i asked the nurse they said no need to do that. I just went to dim sum with my husband yesterday after discharge from hosiptal. And still moving at the apartment. If you can share your success stories?

It will be helpful.



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lovechild 16 yrs ago
Hi lolo32,

I guess what your nurse said is probably true,it may or maynot make any difference but i guess staying put for a few days won't really harm anyone.I actually did do that ,actually for i think four days ,and did not eat any preservatives,did not excercise,and generally did not worry or think too much about the result (i know it's hard but DO TRY),I was also a lot on and ofcourse left it to GOD.I really hope and pray it works for you!!!

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lolo32 16 yrs ago
Hi lovechild,

Thank you so much for your reply and support, you are the first one who replied me. Yes, i tried to be relax but work does make him think a lot to solve problems. Everyday has problems at work. I usually take it easy but may be having stress i dont know.

How's your story, may i know a bit on you, like did you get success with IVF, and you stayed a few days in bed. i will got to too. May i know did you reduce activities and stay at home those few days. Besides, that did you do anything different ?

Thanks again,

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lovechild 16 yrs ago
i think taking it easy helps...but ofcourse if you have to work and have been don't worry too much about it.I just tried eating real healthy ,no left over food etc other than that just no excercise,don't let your body overheat as i guess the embryo's need the right temp to successfully implant.Mine did work out to be positive !so no harm in trying.

Hang in there and always be happy!

Lots of baby dust to you!

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lolo32 16 yrs ago
Hi lovechild,

Thank you so much. I am going to have my injection this morning in clinic. Today is my 7th day after transfer, do you have any symptoms during the 2 weeks wait? i don't have anything special, except sour breast, which happens every time. This post transfer, i need 3 injections per day, (2 done by myself, one has to go to clinic) so lots of marks on my tummy.

I will know next Friday....but has the feeling that it may not work this time. (quite stressed at work these 2 days) Anyway, when i found out others can get pregnant at age 42, it gives me hope to be patient, still have a little more time

Cheers, take care,

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