Period late but pregnancy test came out Negative

Posted by Chia Pet 16 yrs ago
So my husband and I are actively trying. I noticed that I was ovulating very late (from the ovulation kit). Basically I was ovulating 30 days from the first day of my last period. And now my period is about 12 days late. Took a pregnancy test this morning and came up negative.

So what should I do if my period doesn't come?

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abitnaive 16 yrs ago
congratulations on your decision to start a family...i hope you arne't trying for long.

are your cycles normally quite regular? (even if they are long) if so, that is a very good sign.

if your period doesn't come and it has been at least 18 days since you ovulated (not since the surge), then test again. if it is still negative, i think you can be pretty certain that you are not pregnant.

are you temping? that is another effective way to detect ovulation. if you do a google search using "body basal temperature pregancy ovulation" there should be a website or 10 to help you out.

good luck!

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Chia Pet 16 yrs ago
tks abitnative

i am hoping that we can seal the deal soon because i'm quite impatient. however, i'm always told that this is one of those things, that you just can't rush.

no i'm not temping but i think i will start soon

so i'm keeping my fingers crossed and wait and see what happens.

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