Ferguson, Lord or Cheung??

Posted by Starbucks2 16 yrs ago

I need to see a gynae/obstetrician this week or next and can't decide who to see. Any recent feedback on Sally Ferguson, Lucy Lord or Grace Cheung?

Heard that you can feel a bit rushed with Lucy (particularly if you are not a high risk patient). People seem to like Grace's manner but is she as experienced as Lucy and Sally? Lucy and Grace more convenient in Central than Sally in Wanchai (as I work in Central). I believe all are about the same pricewise.

Any advice/feedback gratefully received!! Tried to get a copy of the spreadsheet that was floating around but haven't had a response from the person who was looking after it.



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Taylor12 16 yrs ago
I saw Grace and am really happy with her, but then, I had a natural birth with no complication (just a lo-o-ng delivery!). Just to say that if you plan to come in this or next week, you should make a booking ASAP as I believe they are all really busy!

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Starbucks2 16 yrs ago
Thanks Taylor. Am hoping to get a chance to call today to make an appointment for this week or next. Grace delivers at Matilda correct?

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788 16 yrs ago
I had Dr Lord for my first and I plan to go back to her if we have a second. I find her great but you need to be comfortable with who she is- opinionated, busy and a fantastic doctor. My pregnancy was "boring" as she called it and I would be out of her room within 10 min.- both my husband and I prefer it that way. She is busy because she is good at what she does. I would go in with a list of questions if I had any- I never had an unanswered question or a shoddy answer from her.

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Gabriella 16 yrs ago
I had Dr. Cheung for my 2nd, delivered at the Matilda. Same as Taylor12, normal, natural birth (with walking epi). Loved her !

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Starbucks2 16 yrs ago
Thanks everyone. I am going to give Grace a try. My brain wants to choose Lucy but in my heart I am put off by the stories of gruff treatment and lack of interest if your pregnancy is routine. 788 - you must like her a lot - if she called my pregnancy "boring" I'd have stormed out and never returned!! It may be boring to her but, to me, my pregnancy was the most important thing in the world! And at the end of the day my $950 is just as valuable as the $950 from the "non-boring"/complicated patient in the waiting room.

Appreciate the feedback!


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788 16 yrs ago
SB2, storming out would have been a bit dramatic!:) My pregnancy was a dream come true for me after years of IUI, IVF's.... but thank goodness, it was "boring". And you have to take it in context- she meant boring as in safe, no drama and I can't thank my stars enough for it. I had enough drama to last me a lifetime getting pregnant. Ofcourse, it was exciting for us as an experience, and I would never be with her if I did not think she cares. She would not be a fantastic obgyn if she did not love what she did. And no, I never felt that she did not take care of me as much as the next "exciting" pregnancy. She was there an hour after she landed from UK in my delivery room. And I had a drug free, natural birth so the timing could have been anything and she could have sent Grace instead who was on call.

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Starbucks2 16 yrs ago
788 - pleased that you are happy with Lucy and having your lovely baby after such a trial of IUI and IVF is a blessing.

Will give Grace a try as she sounds a bit more my type of doctor but no doubt Lucy has excellent technical references.

Thanks everyone for the feedback.


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peainapod 16 yrs ago
I had a bad experience with Lucy Lord during the delivery of my first baby. I'm now pregnant with my second and wouldn't touch her with a bargepole.

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Starbucks2 16 yrs ago
Thanks for the feedback peainapod

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shiaoying8 16 yrs ago
hi, I have been with Sally Ferguson since month 2 and in two weeks time, I am going to deliver my firat babe ,of couse will still be with Sally ! All i can tell you is both my husband and me love her attitude and she is a very nature-dlivery encouraging doctor even I try hard to tell her I prefer c-section due to some comlications from last misscarriage .... I just can tell you , we love her and we will definately recommend you to talk to her and see if she fits your need. a little tip , I tried 3 different doctors in the beginning and I settle with her. good luck !

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