IVF advise which doctor or lab is the best?

Posted by rebeccak 16 yrs ago
hi i did one IVF with Dr. C. Choy, 2 months ago but was not successful, she said due to my high FSH (was 14 and reduce to 10.7 after she put me on birth control pills for 3 months to rest my cycles) i only retrive 3 eggs and only 2 can used the grading was not good....i am now resting and want to try naturally since my work has been very busy lately. I have been with Dr. Troy Sing (he is excellent but very expensive) for accupunture since Nov 2008, i can see the blood flow is alot better than i see him before (i used to have only 1 day without any red color, and now have 5-7 days with good blood color)

I want to try this few months natural (Dr. C. Choy said almost 99% impossible for me to get pregnant and i was very frustrated after i heard her comment) i know i will be more rest during summer, so if i dont get pregnant this few months i might consider IVF again.

Therefore, my questions is:

I am seeing Dr. Philip Ho now, and i know he is with sanatorium hospital, do you think is a good idea to go with him? Or Queen Mary IVF Private clinic? Also i heard Dr. Alex Doo & Dr. Derek Lo sound good too, so really confuse which one i should go?

I believe the Lab is important, Dr. C. Choy was with Victory Lab and i am not sure if they are the best. I really dont want to use Victory Lab, as they prefer to transfer the embyros after 2 days of retrival.

hope anyone can give me some advise.



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abitnaive 16 yrs ago
hi rk

i had a good experience with dr ho, so i will definitely say go with him. i do agree with you about the lab being very important, and the lab at hk sanitorium has a very good reputation. i can't say anything negative about victory lab as i didn't use them and have had no personal contact with them. but i did meet the embryologists at hk sanitorium where dr ho works out of, and was very impressed with them.

good luck

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shiaoying8 16 yrs ago
hi, I don't know if this would help but i still want to say , Taiwan is the best place and highest IVF success rate in the whole world (and cheaper than HK ) and I did have the best doctor in Taipei and we made it happen at the first time even there were not many eggs produced and only one looked healthy !! I was lucky and I am never shy to tell people where I came from and how appreciating I am to the best IVF team in Taipei

if you like to chat more , I am more than happy to provide you more info and all the best for you !

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rebeccak 16 yrs ago
woh that is new to me i would really love to know more! Pls advise how it works and how much we are looking around? I dont have a place to stay so i might have to caclulate the accomandation too...anyways, thanks so much for sharing, and can you share about which hosptial or which doctor, any links why they have more successful rate than HK and etc? sorry for asking so many questions...

hope to hear from you soon!



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alijbj 16 yrs ago
just to share with you, I'm also a high FSHer and 40.7. My FSH was 21 back in Nov 08 and it came down to 5 in Feb 09. Over the past year, I was with Dr. Derek Lo and we tried so many IVF cycles, I never gave up and so now I'm 16 weeks pregnant. I was also seeing a chinese doctor for last 9 months (consumed 5 days a week, for 9 months) and my blood circulation to my uterus improved alot. Although Dr. Lo & the Dr. Zhou (Chief Embryolist at Prolivf) were against any intake of Chinese medicine at the beginning, at the end Dr. Lo let me do whatever I thought was ok. My DH & I think that Dr. Lo is a super fantastic doc and he is really an expert infertility specialist. We are so grateful for his advice & professional help throughout the past 1.5 years. Dr. Zhou at Prolivf is also very compassionate and the team there is fantastic. Every time we had the chance of egg retrieval (each time, it was only 1-2 eggs with few times exception of picking up 4 eggs), the embryo usually did fertilize.

My first IVF experience was done by Victory and the embryo never fertilized. At the time, the doctor explained to me it was DH's male factor. My first experience was very bad and I can't say much here about the first doctor. But after consulting with Dr. Lo, we found out it had nothing to do with DH's male factor. Also, my 2nd IVF attempt with Dr. Lo was a success but ended at 9 weeks because of a weak heart beat. But anyways, I'm so grateful for Dr. Lo's help. Finally, we will have our little one this late November.

please feel free to PM me if you need further info. good luck and keep your faith.


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lovechild 16 yrs ago
I had a very good experience with Dr Ho and the sanitorium,and had twins!Great Lab and very good doctor!

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Havefaith 16 yrs ago

I was with Dr. Ho for about 18 months. I got pregnant once with natural IUI and once with BD - both times ended in m/c. I also did IVF once with Dr. Ho and did not get pregnant.

I then started seeing Troy Sing in Oct 2007 and he told me it would take 6 months to get my egg quality to improve. In my 7th month I tried natural IUI (with only 3 days of Gonal F), I got pregnant - and now have a 7 month old daughter.

Have you tried IUI?


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lolo32 15 yrs ago
Hi, All,

I truly agree with alijbj, i got success with Dr Derek Lo with Prolivfic Centre, Dr Zhou is very helpful too. I tried few times unsuccessful with one famous clinic in Central Building, which costed a lot plus not really attentive, as they have a lot of patients. But Dr Lo is very experienced, kind and offer very good advice. He is an expert, and we just changed to him, and our first time we got success. Dr Zhou helped to explain clearly and also done the accunpunture for me until 12 weeks. This is a wonderful experience to be able be treated by Dr Lo and Dr Zhou. I didnt need that much medication and injection as required by that clinic in Central Building. It was much more relaxing. I will recommend everyone who is trying or wants to try, to go for them. The clinic is more humble but they are very serious and sincere with each patient, this is very important. I did went to Dr Ho's clinic and checked, but I find Dr Derek Lo is better.

I hope this information can help those who are still checking, don't give up. It will work as long as you get a good doctor who care about you. I almost lost my hope as my first few times experience with that expensive clinic was really not good.


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gunk 15 yrs ago
Why don't you try Dr Robert Stevenson. I have had twins through IVF. He has also helped my friend get pregnant. Has a good success rate. I am sure he will be able to help.


(I am based in Hong Kong

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babybemine 15 yrs ago
Congratulations Lolo32 and Lovechild. Great to hear about your success. Seems like a long time ago when we were on the TTC 1 and TTC 2 message boards. Congrats!

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longing 15 yrs ago
Hi Lolo3 and alijbj, a big fat CONGRATIONS! That's absolutely fantastic news...it does take time and it will happen. To all those out there who are still TTCing never give up. I too got success with Prolivfic (Dr William So) first time in Dec 08 and now have a 4 weeks old baby boy in my arms after 8 years of infertility treatments at different clinics throughout HK...something that seemed impossible a year ago.

I'm overwhelmed with joy after reading your postings....good luck and keep us posted. Keepontrying and MayC how are you both doing?


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babybemine 15 yrs ago
Longing, lovely to hear your update. CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy to hear that your dream has come true and you have a little baby of your own! Congrats!

Now I am TTC no 2 but no luck yet.

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Havefaith 15 yrs ago
Longing, Congrats. I am so thrilled for you. Take care, HF

MayC, I love Dr. Ho to bites. You will not regret to go with him. Good luck. HF

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longing 15 yrs ago
thanks all

babymine, how old is your little one...must be almost 2 years old now, they bring so much joy to a family. Although my little one is only 4wks, I'm already thinking about no. 2 but need to wait at least 6months before TTCing again after a c-section. Will you be doing IUI or IVF?

MayC, great to hear from you. Definately need to rest more after your move before trying. Dr Ho is great although I did not have success with him, I found he was very attentive and caring but very very busy. Have you tried acupuncture, I believe it worked for me and would highly recommend it.

HF, I read on the parenting forum that your little one is having some sleeping problems has she settled now? Will you try for no.2 soon?

I remember the days when we were all TTCing and now most of us on this site are either preggo or mums. Feel guilty about about thinking of no.2 when there are still some TTCing for their first.

Tons of babydust to all


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Havefaith 15 yrs ago

We are thinking of TTC# now that our LOL is almost 8 months old. We will definitely go back to Dr. Ho? Did you go to another RE after Dr. Ho?


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lolo32 15 yrs ago
Hi May C,

I do remember you. it happened that the schedule didnt work out that i couldnt join the gathering lately. Thanks Longing, and congratulations.

May C, I would recommend Dr Derek Lo, and his clinic with Dr Zhou, who is also very careful in doing the matching thing (she is the embroylogist) and you can have a free consultation with her first, tell her all your history and problems, and she can explain to you the chance. She doesnt waste patients money. She told me to stop all chinese medication and even multi vitamin, before the treatment, just folic acid and she helped to do acunpunture for me even after the transfer. It works with my first time with them.

Since you have tried Dr Ho for a while, you can go there for a free consultation first with Dr Zhou, she is very nice and experienced. Then you can hear some advice before you make your next move.

I wish you all the best, and you are young, so plenty of time. no worries. Keep up, and dont give up.


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babybemine 15 yrs ago
Great to hear from everyone.

MayC, well done on buying the flat. Sometimes a change in one part of your life triggers changes in other parts of your life -- so who knows, maybe you will conceive in the new flat! Have you tried Prince of Wales or any of the government hospitals for IVF? Since you are in your 30s you could get on the waiting list and try a round of IVF at a cheaper cost. I think Dr Ho is fab but the public hospital could be a cheaper option. You could always go back to him if it doesn't work at the public hospital.

Lolo 32, that's fab. I am not doing accupuncture but maybe I should just take folic acid rather than Materna when TTC'ing.

Havefaith, hope baby no 2 comes along easier.

Longing, I already tried one natural IUI a couple of months ago with Dr Ho. I knew the chance of it working was low but it was useful to get some idea about the state of my fertility. I may try a medicated IUI soon.

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Iolana 15 yrs ago
One of the most important things to consider when doing IVF is the lab. I was with Dr Ho who uses the Sanitorium which is able to cultivate to blastocyst stage (ie, 5 day embryos). I think many of the labs in HK do a 2 or 3 day transfer and are not able to grow the embryos for 5 days.

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alijbj 15 yrs ago
Hi Havefaith, Longing, MayC,

Just wanted to share this piece of good news with you all. Our son gave us a surprise party 2 weeks ago and he was delivered @ 32 weeks 6days. Baby was originally due in mid Nov by c-sect but my water broke 2 weeks ago at around mid night. We called Dr. Lo and the first thing he said was to go to Queen Mary's Emergency. Thank goodness for his advice and now both baby & I are well. Baby had to stay in QM's NICU for last 2 weeks but he is now home. Although a bit underweight at 2KG now, he is a healthy baby. Also, Dr. Lo saved us a lot of money, we only paid $300 (for my 3 day stay at QM and emergency c-sect) and few hundred bucks for baby's stay in ICU. And QM's medical team & facilities were superb.

Can't believe...after so many months infertility treatment, we now have our dear baby son in our arms. Everyone who's still trying, hang in there and good luck.

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Havefaith 15 yrs ago

Congrats! TTC is the most difficult thing that I have ever gone thru and holding my LOL in my arms is the best feeling in the world. Wishing you a wonderful and happy motherhood.

Baby dust to everyone who is TTCing. Wish you all luck and a LOL in your arms.


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longing 15 yrs ago
Alijbj, congratulations! Glad to hear all is going well and your home with your little one. Must have been quite a surprise for him to arrive so early I hope you were prepared, I was 2 weeks early and barely had my hospital bag packed when my water broke.

Enjoy the time with your little one...it goes by very quickly. All the anxiety, pain and heartache that comes with infertility disappears once you have your bundle of joy in your arms. Good luck and sleepless nights aren't that bad.


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zarzuela 15 yrs ago
Hello, I had 2 IVF cycles with Dr Patrick Chan. The second was successful, I am the mother of twin-boys, what great change, girls! I had seen maaaaany doctors for my 5 years of infertility, but none were near as good as Dr Chan, he is in Central. He plays magic, just make sure you do everything he tells you, you will get pregnant. I have never been clear about my problem and the treatment strategy with any other doctors as much as with him. Good luck!

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macaron mania 15 yrs ago
Hi lolo,

Congratulations on your success. It was nice to come back to this site after a long time and see so many of you have had success in TTC. Iolana, how are you? I rested a while after a failure with IVF in Hong Kong (I have to tell you it was very difficult to travel and do IVF with a two year old) and has just done another IVF in Tokyo. It was a chemical pregnancy this time and I am waiting for period. I am now looking into sarogacy, donor-egg, adoption... but still cannot decide to quite on my own egg just yet. I will probably do two more IVFs and call it the day...

Good luck with everyone.

MayC, enjoy trying naturally. And hope you will have a positive result. Many people fall in pregnant when they rest from treatments as you well know : )

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alijbj 15 yrs ago
HI ladies.

Thanks for all your well wishes. And yes MayC, actually our baby son is catching up on his weight so quickly. We think he should be 9 lbs now at 8 weeks old. Not bad huh?! He is still feeding on 3-4 hour schedule but we are trying Gina Ford's routine and it seems to be working.

Btw, we had a pretty bad experience with the 24 hour Pui Yuet (Nanny). She was stealing stuff from us (such as sesame oil, soya sauce, tea, baby clothes) so hubby & I were extremely cautious and we had to put away most of our valuables. Also, she is actually not that knowledgeable afterall, baby was taking a bath everyday at noon time which had a knock on effect on his sleep pattern.

Good luck ladies!

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Havefaith 15 yrs ago

We also had a very bad experience with our 24 hour confinement lady. She was hired for 3 months and I fired her after 2.5 weeks. She was not knowledgeable and was getting our helper to do a lot of stuff for her. She then started lying about how much she was feeding our LOL - so I fired her because I could no longer trust her.

Good luck everyone and baby dust to you all.


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babybemine 15 yrs ago
MayC, glad to hear that you are moving to the next step and hope the process is not too stressful. Good luck with the IVF and please stay optimistic, and get lots of rest. Hope you have a seat on the plane in a few weeks from now.

No news from me. I will probably try another IUI soon as I do not have time on my side, and will try acupuncture too.

Macaron-Mania, I just read your post. Sorry to hear about the chemical pregnancy. Maybe you could try IUI instead of IVF?

Happy New Year to you too MayC, and to all the other TTC'ers.

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