Evening/weekend infertility clinics

Posted by mub2002 16 yrs ago
Hi all,

I have been trying to get pregnant for some time now, with no success, and am now considering the next stage. However, as I cannot take a lot of time off work, I would like to know if anyone can recommend an infertility clinic that is open late or open at weekends?

Many thanks for any help you can offer,



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hiseraphlee 16 yrs ago
my friend had undergone habitual abortion for 10 years, now her lovely daughter is almost 2. she went to many clinics, finally a head department helped her. but the hospital is in beijing. please write to me if you want to consult with the hospital. hiseraphlee@hotmail.com

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mub2002 16 yrs ago
Thank you very much, however, I forgot to mention above that I am looking for somewhere in Hong Kong.

Many thanks.

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Highlander 16 yrs ago
you may want to consider Pro|liv in Central. However, they could access you on your suitability.

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hemadevi 15 yrs ago
Dear mub2002,

I have the same problem as you. I am also looking for a clinic which can see patient afer work, in the evening or weekend. Have you managed to find one yet. Please let me know if you have.


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mub2002 15 yrs ago
Try Dr. Mao, Union Polyclinic in the miramar building in TST. You can visit him on Saturday mornings.

Hope this can help you.

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hemadevi 15 yrs ago
Thanks for the info.

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