For MOTHERLOVE more milk users

Posted by honeypie 16 yrs ago
Is this product really effective? better than fenugreek capsules?

I am using fenugreek but the supply is still not much, i've tried papaya soup almost everyday, lots of liquids, fenugreek capsule..... Usually i get 1 oz only, if i am lucky, i can get 2 oz but that is if i did not Breastfeed for more than 3 hours.

How long did you take this? what product - the capsule or liquid extract? thanks.

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Gabriella 16 yrs ago
Hi honeypie, re:milk supply - I had the same problem after my second babe so understand your frustration.

Try taking fenugreek + blessed thistle capsules + mothers milk tea. I also pumped (I use the Medala swing) after most breastfeds. It may take a few days but hopefully this will increase your milk supply.

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2009mom 16 yrs ago
I used many different kinds of more milk products before. Motherlove More Milk plus + Goat Rue are the best combination and the most function "MORE MILK" supplement!! I help me really a lot!! Moreover, it is organic stuff.

As my girl is now 2 years 8 months and i still breastfeed her, I never give her any formula milk! The feeling is so warm and she says mama milk is the tastiest drink!!

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Katherinebern 16 yrs ago
I do agree that Motherlove products are really excellent!! Without More milk plus, i can't breastfeed my baby until now 2years old!!

Buy also Motherlove Nipple cream. It is organic and very quick soften and heal my pain. I read from some research that lanolin contains several pesticides. Don't use lanolin on nipple!!

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honeypie 16 yrs ago
Hi Katherine and 2009mom,

how long did you take this? do you continue taking this even if your supply is already stable?

I am on my first day of more milk plus.....we'll see the result in 48 hrs.

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Katherinebern 16 yrs ago
hi honeypie, I have been taking more milk plus for 2 years and didn't stop. as i remember, i have to wait for about 1 week for the increment.

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Judithbalatti 16 yrs ago
For me, More milk plus is really able to increase my supply of breastmilk but i got much more milk if taking Motherlove More Milk Special Blend!! I ate only 5 days per week because the reaction is strong for me and i need to take a rest on saturday and sunday as my breast was swollen and a bit sore.

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UK1971 16 yrs ago
I am a great fan of the Fenugreek and found it worked. Honestly I found it took 7 - 10 days for my supply to increase, I took 2 tablets 3 times a day. The best time to pump is at night as you will get more. I o nly pump once a night now and get loads. I was pumping 3 times a day but have cut back as I have a good suply and I still take Fenugreek too.

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honeypie 16 yrs ago
hi uk1971,

when you say "night", when is that? middle of the night?

i tried morning but don't get much too as baby wakes up ard 4-5am to feed.

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Judithbalatti 16 yrs ago
I took Fenugreek before also. It works but.... not as good as More milk plus and More milk special blend. Maybe their ingredient have not only Fenugreek but also blessed thistle , nettle leaf, fennel seed and goat rue.... (bottle marking :o)) )

I pump also at least 3 times each day in order to stimulate milk production.

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beautymama 16 yrs ago
i have been taking motherlove more milk special blend. It is very work for me!! But the taste is so ... bitter as it is only liquid form without capsule. If you can accept such taste, taking MORE MILK PLUS capsule is also good. But special blend is more useful for me. i buy it in

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jackjonson 14 yrs ago
Motherlove is dedicated to crafting the finest quality organic products for pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and babies.Motherlove provide a natural way to prevent stretch marks, soothe labor discomfort, increase breast milk, relieve sore nipples, nurture baby's tender skin and clear up diaper rash and thrush. With integrity and reverence for our planet, our organic products are safe and gentle yet effective for women and babies.i read this information at

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