I had been trying to conceive for the past 1.5 years. Had very irregular periods; went to a few doctors but none of them knew what the problem was. Finally I was dianosed of PCOS by Dr. Derek Lo and got pregnant after an ovulation induction (Clomid + Metformin).
I am 8 weeks pregnant now. Feel very lucky to be pregnant but at the same time worried about losing my precious package. Many articles on the internet say that women with PCOS have a higher risk of miscarriage - Can someone who also have PCOS share your pregnancy experience? Were you on Metformin while pregnant?
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16 yrs ago
I had exactly the same problem as you with PCOS and was lucky to fall pregnant after 2nd try of Metf+clomifen. If you are still on metformin during the first 3 months of pregnancy it should be ok. I had no problem throughout my 1st pregnancy and I am now close to deliver the 2nd (didn't have any treatment for the 2nd)...Good luck and don't worry too much!
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Thank you, sysy. Good luck to your 2nd delivery!!
It's comforting to hear that you had smooth pregnancies both times. Did you take Metformin throughout your first trimester? I had my first prenatal check last week but the doctor didn't ask me to continue taking it. Wondering if I should ask him about it next time.
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16 yrs ago
Hi littlecloud, thanks for you msg. You should follow your doctor's advice, I guess he knows what he's doing and it is better to stay off the medicine asap...Metf. made me sooooo sick, and I didn't like the idea of taking medicine while pregnant but I knew if was for the best. pcos is all related to hormones, diet,body weight etc...have the best diet while pregnant and stay away from carbs etc...
good luck and don't worry too much!
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Hi jwng, thanks so much for sharing!!
I was unlucky at the beginning - the first doctor I saw did not diagnose me correctly, although she did multiple ultrasounds on me over the course of 3-4 months. She put me on FSH injectibles and Clomid, and when those didn't work (I was still not ovulating) she suggested IVF right away. I am glad that I sought second opinions.
Right now I am seeing Dr. Philip Ho. He doesn't think that I need to be on Metformin, although I am only at my 9th week.
Thanks again for sharing your experience.
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16 yrs ago
Hi littlecloud,
I agree with sysy and think you should listen to your doctor and not worry too much. They know what they're doing and usually there's far too much medication involved anyway.
I too was diagnosed with PCOS when we were trying to get pregnant. My doctor put me on Metformin and Clomid, but the Clomid didn't work. During the same cycle I was put on Gonal-F injections (continuing the Metformin) and fell pregnant the same month (-: I stopped the Metformin after my pregnancy was confirmed and had to take Progesteron for the first 14 weeks to prevent a misscariage. My entire pregnancy was completely uneventful. I didn't even feel sick.
My boy is almost one year now and my periods are as regular as they can be. I have high hopes we'll be able to conceive no. 2 without needing any help.
Good luck with everything and enjoy your pregnancy. It's truly an amazing experience.
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Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I am at my 12th week now and start to feel a bit more relaxed than a few weeks ago. My pregnancy has been uneventful too - no morning sickness and hardly any discomfort. At my last prenatal check we saw the baby actively moving already. Like you said, it's been a truly amazing experience. I will try not to worry too much & enjoy my pregnancy!
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Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I am at my 12th week now and start to feel a bit more relaxed than a few weeks ago. My pregnancy has been uneventful too - no morning sickness and hardly any discomfort. At my last prenatal check we saw the baby actively moving already. Like you said, it's been a truly amazing experience. I will try not to worry too much & enjoy my pregnancy!
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16 yrs ago
In know exactly where you're coming from. Getting pregnant on my first cycle of medication, I always thought: "It happened so fast now, so maybe something will go wrong?"
Trust me, once you can feel your baby moving and your belly starts growing you'll stop worrying. That was the moment when I realised I should just enjoy every minute of it. And I did... ((-:
Good luck! You'll do just fine and you'll have a gorgeous little baby soon!
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My periods were always late but when i couldn't get pregnant i went for medicals check-up and the doctors told me that i have hormons imbalance and cycts in my ovries.
When i saw the doctor in QE hospital they gave me some medicens and told me i wasn't ovulating. After that got pregnnat for (4 weeks) even though my periods were 5 months late (usually it is 3 months late) but then when i had an ultrasound @ week 6, they told me it is Blighted Ovum. It was too hard on me and my husband as we have been TTC for 4 years
But every one's case is different, i just shared my experience.
I would appriciate if someone could recoomend a good doctor who is a specalist in PCOS. thanks
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I have PCOS. Both my pregnancies where a result of IUI and injectables. The first preg I had 10 weeks of Metformin and progesterone injections and the 2nd pregnancy I just had progesterone suppositories. I'm sure you'll be fine. Most pregnancies that fail start off with a really low hormone rate. Don't surf the net worrying yourself. You need to relax and do positive things. I think what you are referring to is that fact that people with PCOS have low progesterone levels (it's like glue that keeps the baby in place) In this case your Doc needs to make sure you have enough progesterone for the first 10 weeks. After that your body makes it naturally. The suppositories are usually great. I didn't even spot on either of my pregnancies.
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