
Posted by katie24 16 yrs ago
I am 40 and 6 weeks pregnant. At my age and this being the first, I guess I would be classified as "high risk". I've heard that govt hospitals would be the least expensive way to go but they won't see you until you are 10 weeks pregnant. I also understand that the first trimester (13 weeks) are the most critical especially for late mothers so I'm not sure what I should do. Should I see someone private? How would that work with the rest of the prenatal/antenatal care and delivery? Cost is going to be a huge issue for me as I'm doing this alone. Any advice would be most appreciated! Thanks.

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Sarah99 16 yrs ago
First off congratulations!

Yes you are high risk due to your age as soon as you hit 35 you are in this group- welcome to the ancient mothers club, my first was when I was 38. Essentially the older you are whilst pregnant the higher the risk of miscarriage and the higher the risk of birth defects, with Downs being the major one.

You can and should register with the local centre before 10 weeks (I did), they will perhaps not call you back for follow up checks very quickly with the exception of offering you a booking for Downs Screening which is usually done between 11.5 and 12.5 weeks for best analysis. Apart from this scan the only other one at the public hospital is done at 20 weeks to ensure your dates are correct and all is growing at the correct rate. From memory check ups where about once a month, and then upping to fortnightly in the beginning of the third trimester finally becoming weekly towards the end.

If you want to you can do a combination of public and private the public system have no objection to this, although some private doctors do. Private doctors tend to charge around $1300 to $2000 for each visit inclusive of a scan, blood work etc is all additional. In order to regiseter at the public centre you will need a confirmed pregnancy diagnosis from a private doctor, which you can get from a regular doc or go to see an Obgyn and have them do it and get a scan done it it will put your mind at rest.

hope this helps and good luck with the future


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if226 16 yrs ago
Hey Congrats

So u r 6 weeks in ... and yes u r high risk and in my opinion (agree with sarah) u should register urslf in the public health centre in ur area, there should be one near-by, i registered myslf at 6weeks as well although i didnt had this age issue. They'll definately treat you properly once they know your condition/age, plus since you have money issue then its the best possible way to go 'public' as they'll do everytihng for you for free (most of the tests)!

Wish you all the best and hope you can get thru your pregnancy with ease and have a happy and healthy baby !!!!

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katie24 16 yrs ago
Hi Sarah and if226! Thank you so much for your replies. I have registered myself with the public centre and will plan a trip to the doctor for the required "proof of pregnancy" sometime this week. I guess I understand why the public centre won't see anyone before the 10th week as the chance of miscarrying before then is quite high. So I'm just trying not to stress about stuff too much and just take things as they come. Thanks again for your reassuring replies.


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JJALD 16 yrs ago
I am 31 weeks gone and am delivering at public hospital. However there is nothing to stop you going to see a private OBGYN early on before your first hospital appointment - they will do a basic health screen and an ultrasound to detect heartbeat etc for about $1,200. If you decide you want Downs testing etc you can also get this done privately for about $2,600.

That would give you early reassurance whilst you wait for your hospital appointment (public hospital will not give you a scan until 20 weeks).

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