I know im not ready but when would i be?!

Posted by neversaynever 16 yrs ago
Can i start trying being preggy as soon as i stop my pills?

I've been on pills for over 8 years. Some chinese people say that we'd have to wait for at least 2/3 months before trying. Otherwise there would be some problem with the baby.

The other question is that im a business woman and i've got alot of business plans in my head I am not sure when i would be READY to have a baby.

One part of me not to want to have babies when im over 30 (i may want 2 babies) but another part of me is just not sure. Im just having alot of stress with work - but the stress started when i started my business i don't think i would be DONE with being stressed any time soon because that's part of the business.

Thanks for suggestions.

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Sarah99 16 yrs ago
The gerneral consensus amongst girlfriends is you're never really ready for kids, but once they are here you can not imagine what life was like without them.

There's many pros and cons for when to get pregnant in terms of age, if you read up a bit you can see what they are, you do have time on your side (hopefully but not guaranteed) with your age.

Many ladies do get pregnant wihin the first few months of coming off the pill, as for some reason this seems to be an increased period of fertility, and go on to have perfectly healhy babies. Please note though that stress has been shown to negatiely affect fertility, as well as cause a whole other host of health problems. Becoming a business owner is always very stressful, you'll need to work on ways to handle that.

I'm a business owner and a mother, as soon as I became a mother though my priority focus has shifted, work has become second rather than dominating my life before. There are times when work has to come first and I always feel guilty about that......

Good luck with your journey ahead

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neversaynever 16 yrs ago
Thanks Sarah.

"I'm a business owner and a mother, as soon as I became a mother though my priority focus has shifted, work has become second rather than dominating my life before." - Yes there's one of the reasons im worry about being a mother too. Now i feel that my business is my baby. I get my 'high' while i see my business is going great. I don't know what i'd do when i have a baby. Do i just get so 'lazy' and not to worry abt my work as much as now? I travel to countries and have meetings from morning to night and i get tired but i love it.

What i do and what i've become is what makes me feel happy about myself. The baby crying and sleepless nights - I have a real problem imagining myself in it. I am just really worried that once i m becoming a mother i'd get even more depressed while im not too enjoying being a mother doing the motherish job but at the same time i m too lack of sleep i can't have ideas about my work.

Did you worry about the same before u became a mother?

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Sarah99 16 yrs ago
Agreed with Cara above on all points including enjoying working and therefore being a happier person perhaps than if I was a SAHM.

Becoming a mother has helped me become a better balanced person, before I put probably too much time, effort, stress into work, when you own a business it is very hard for it not to take over your life 24/7. With a child as Cara says the focus has to shift away from you and work, you have to change but it will happen naturally.

Ask any mother are kids hard work, the resounding answer is yes, then ask them would they be without their kids and the resounding answer is NO!

Realistically yes your business is likely to suffer a little to start off with, as the first year is very hard work with a baby, but you actually may find that once you're through this period and your focus is back that the lessons you've learnt as a parent actually make you a better business person.

I still get rush's from work, and still thrive on the challenges it offers, but I also have an alternative source of rush's as a mother. As cara says nothing beats a high of getting hugs and kisses from your child.

When I first became a business owner you have dreams of building up this fab enterprse and gradually sitting back and reaping the profits, that just has not happened, nor for most other business owners I know. Your business will keep evolving and as the owner you'll need to be the driving force to keep it up to date and in the forefront of the market, so there will never really be a time for "resting on your laurels". The only thing I would say is if you are going through a large growth phase for the business maybe wait until this is consolidated a little.

Good luck!

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cd 16 yrs ago
I remember years ago when I first came off the pill, the doctor told me that the only reason they advised waiting a few months before getting pregnant was so that they could see if your periods were regular to help them accurately date the pregnancy. But with the better scans available now its much easier to correctly date the pregnancy.

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neversaynever 16 yrs ago
Thanks ladies for your replies. I shared this information with my husband and he gave me this look as "See I've told you and u never listen to me"

I think the biggest enermy is always myself. Somtimes i do really want to but i do get very scared about the baby idea. I think it's the same as the first time i drove, first time i did my gel nails (was scared of the commitment), first time i ate whale (I tried but never will again)...there's always the first time and Im going thru a moment like this.

I stopped my pills just 2 days ago...I've done this before and after the 4th day i would take it again because of me getting so scared and stressed - esp when my business is going 'downhilll' (it's always up and down) or with some cash flow problem - i would then change my mind to continue my pills again. This is pathetic and stupid but this is what i've been doing.

I have a few offices worldwide and it's crazy to be travelling like this and hav a thought about babies. I think I have to (but hate to) slow down abit..At the same time i like moving around. Or maybe i should decide to chill out and stop the pills but let it happen if it happens.

I sound like a lost child. But your comments are very impressive - I like it to have positive advises from succesful ladies. Afterall im going to be 30 this yr.

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