new born baby help

Posted by medical-hk 16 yrs ago
this is my first child, she is 5 week old. she only sleep 1 hour and wakes up so often. all night i have to stay up and hold in my arm, she hardly sleeps at night. i am too tired exhausted my whole body is so much aches. when ever i give feed formula she doesn't finish it and close eyes. i am still feeding her 2 oz formula.

pls help i am really tired.

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Jupiter105 16 yrs ago
Medical do not despair newborn babies can be a lot of hard work but you must start with the right methods or the baby will develop bad habits

First of all try to swaddle the baby in a fabric wrap to make your baby feel secure and safe.. this swaddling makes your baby feel just like they did when they are in the womb.

Your baby needs to learn to fall asleep on it's own so it does not come to depend on you rocking her to sleep all the time.. this will make your life a lot easier in the long run

Try reading the Gina Ford book which a lot of my friends have used to help them achieve a good routine and sleeping pattren.. some people feel the book is too rigid so can adopt some of it but not all

Good luck don't worry this is a normal feeling when your a new mum...

The key is to train your baby into the routine so that you gain some control of your life again.. Gina Fords book can help you do that

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MARB 16 yrs ago
Hi medical-hk

I understand & sympathize when you say your body is aching.... But hang in there it does get better. And you will look back on the sleepless nights and chuckle to yourself, wondering how you ever got through it!

My little darling is 3 weeks old.

One suggestion I would like to make, pls check the milk flow from the nipple you're using to bottle feed. It could be that the flow of milk is too slow and your baby is getting tired from all the sucking. And that could be why baby nods off back to sleep. And then wakes in an hour as he/she is hungry.

I only found this out a couple of weeks ago as I had the same problem as you. The doc suggested I move on to the next size teethe (so when baby was a week old she was on teethe number 2 which is for 1 month+)

And the good news my baby now finishes 4 ounces in one and sleeps for 6 hours a night!!!

Good luck hope my suggestion helps.

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MARB 16 yrs ago
Hi medical-hk

I understand & sympathize when you say your body is aching.... But hang in there it does get better. And you will look back on the sleepless nights and chuckle to yourself, wondering how you ever got through it!

My little darling is 3 weeks old.

One suggestion I would like to make, pls check the milk flow from the nipple you're using to bottle feed. It could be that the flow of milk is too slow and your baby is getting tired from all the sucking. And that could be why baby nods off back to sleep. And then wakes in an hour as he/she is hungry.

I only found this out a couple of weeks ago as I had the same problem as you. The doc suggested I move on to the next size teethe (so when baby was a week old she was on teethe number 2 which is for 1 month+)

And the good news my baby now finishes 4 ounces in one and sleeps for 6 hours a night!!!

Good luck hope my suggestion helps.

And for the record I also agree with Cara I am so not a Gina Ford fan...

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medical-hk 16 yrs ago
dear all,

thank for your feedback. I really appreciate it.

acutally baby is not sleeping during afternoon time as well. she doesn't finsih the formula milk even 02 OZ and doze off to sleep. some time if give her left over formula in same hour. I am using bottle feed for 0-3. anyway let me get new bottle. any recomendation for bottle feed. how to change baby sleeping habbit any simple method.

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mnight 16 yrs ago

I am also a new mum, my baby is 8 weeks old today. The first few weeks were extremely tough as we basically thought that everytime he woke up he was hungry and so we were constantly feeding. What we soon realised (after seeking mother-in-law's help) was that he was seeking comfort and not necessarily food. We introduced a pacifier at 4 weeks and this has greatly helped to establish a 3 hour feeding 'schedule'. I know there is much debate about the use of pacifiers but what swung it for me was the recent evidence that using a pacifier on dozing babies can actually reduce the risk of SIDS.

We also went back and forth with the idea of introducing a routine. Prior to giving birth we were adamant our baby was going to be a Gina Ford baby. That all changed when we brought him home! However, then the constant feeding started and whilst we do not strictly follow her routine we do follow the advice in terms of not feeding too often and a black out nursery. Our baby now feeds every three hours in the daytime and sleeps between 1 hour to 2 and a half hour naps in the day. At night he goes from 7pm-12am without waking and then wakes for another feed around 3 or 4am. I do not feel that we have forced any routine on him and if he needs to feed or sleep then that is what happens, it feels more like he has made a routine for himself.

Another thing my mother-in-law said was that he needs guidance from us and that to help to establish a longer stretch between feeds distract the baby by showing him things and talking to him, she also said to use a little amount of cooled boiled water in a bottle. We only had to do this a couple of times and like I said he fell into a routine with the help of the pacifier.

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Matilda 16 yrs ago
The first 6 weeks with a newborn can be very difficult . It sounds like your little one is "snacking " and therefor only taking short frequent feeds . This can be very demanding on a new mum . Try changing the baby's teat as suggested in other posts to see if she will take more . A baby of 5-6 weeks would most likely be able to drink 90mls and settle 3hours .

Try bathing the baby later in the day ie early evening as babies often settle better after a bath and a milk feed .

Try also to get some help so you can have a rest in the afternoon and as this gives you more energy to deal with those bad nights .

You would be very welcome to bring your baby to Well Baby Clinic so we could sit down and try and work out more stratagies to help you and your baby through this difficult period.

Well baby clinic - 2849 1500

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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cd 16 yrs ago
Agree black outs are a bad idea, as is being really quiet, babies need to get used to sleeping in any environment, otherwise you'll never be ab;e to leave the house. All my kids had dummies, definitely worth a try.

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mnight 16 yrs ago
Actually my baby can sleep anywhere, we use the blackouts because he was waking at 5am as soon as the light hit the windows, we also live in an apartment complex with lots of lights. Keep the comments supportive to the poster ladies.

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medical-hk 16 yrs ago
thanks for reply and valuable comments. I gave her showered today and she slept good in the afternoon. what happen today is she was laying on bed and playing as usual then abruptly start crying loudly her face turn red and she cried loudly alot with tears i didn't know what happen then i hold her gave her formula then she become quite. in the evening i went to super market and left my husband with her same crying episode happened in the evening. is something wrong with her. or she got scare of something today. also she is almost 6 week and she doesn't finish 2oz of feed formula.

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