11 weeks infant sleeping issue

Posted by blackpearlhk 15 yrs ago
i got 11 weeks old girl. she has habbit of from day one born fall to sleep while bottle feeding. once she fall sleep it is hard to do blurp. without bottle she never fall in sleep. she is only drinking 2oz to 3oz even she is now 11 week old. she doesn't have any sleep pattern yet. she sleeps 9pm wake up 11pm then sleep 2am wake up 7 am. i am really tired of holding her caring her playing with her at during all day time and at mid night.

could you please give some advise.

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bigwhale 15 yrs ago
I suggest getting in contact with Annerley Midwifes and booking a meeting with their sleep consultant. Yes it is pricy, but you can't continue the way you are. My son went to sleep by himself at 10 weeks, with only 5 minutes of wind down time. Google Annerley and make a booking, it will save your sanity!

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