Posted by
15 yrs ago
I'm Canadian and I'm moving to Vietnam and I'm 12 weeks pregnant. I'm not confident in the medical in Vietnam and would like to have my baby in Singapore. I don't know any doctors or anything about the hospitals. Money is no object so I just need some names and contact information and some great recommendations. Thank you in advance it is a bit stressful to be moving to a new Country in November and have to find a doctor without meeting them face to face at first.
Also if someone can suggest a nce not too expensive service apartment near the hospital, that's the only place where money is a little issue as I may be ther for 3 months, mostly without my husband, as if will have to work in Vietnam. Thanks again
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15 yrs ago
Hi, I have just left Vietnam after 5 years there and totally agree that the health care especially delivery of a child is not the best, however, I was also pregnant whilst living in Vietnam and recieved very good pre-natal treatment at the SOS international clinic. I agree with Cara that the Bumrungrad is a fantastic hospital and yes they do have a maternity ward. I chose to deliver in Hong Kong purely because my first child was born there and I knew the doctor, now I think things are a bit more difficult to secure a room in Hong Kong.
With regards to the apartment, where in Vietnam will you be based? Ho Chi Minh/Hanoi?
Good luck with the move.
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