IVF at Ji Ai Shanghai

Posted by Paoli 15 yrs ago
First of all I would like to send hellos to you all. I am new here. This is the only place I found people sharing their experiences with IVF, especially here in Shanghai. So, thank you for that. I would really like to hear experiences from someone who is going or has gone recently to Ji Ai Hospital for IVF in Shanghai.

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 4 years without results, so now we have decided (recommended by my gyn.) to do it the medical way.

Last week I went to Ji Ai to talk to a doctor about doing it there. Apart from few survival words, I donĀ“t speak Chinese. There were a lot of people waiting their turn, but I knew it would be like that. After one hour waiting it was my turn. There doctor spoke good enough English and was very kind and also took her time with me. She told me to come with my husband next time the 3rd day of my period.

I was a bit put off by the waiting time and lack of privacy, but the message posted by Penthai gave me some relief (http://hongkong.asiaxpat.com/forums/pregnancy-fertility/threads/124058/my-iui-at-shanghai-ji-ai-hospital-feb-2009/). So I will go to Ji Ai next time and I hope it will just work well.


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90335039 15 yrs ago
i plan to go to JiAi in June too. I had several IUIs in Ruijin last year. I got pregnant the second time but miscarried. i tried a few more IUIs after that but no luck. the doctors now think i should move onto IVF. a lot of people recommend JiAi and it will be really nice to hear your experiences. Ruijin is nice and clean and i don't mind doing ivf there but i have an impression that success rate is higher in Jiai.

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Paoli 15 yrs ago
Hello 90335039,

I have not gone back to JiAi, because I am waiting to see if our Health Insurance covers the IVF treatment. If they cover it all or half, I think I will go to a more expensive clinic in Shanghai. I donĀ“t know if itĀ“s better or not, but I would like to give it a try for the reason that I would like a less stressful enviroment to conceive.

Maybe I am wrong. If I change my mind, I`ll let you know. I canĀ“t wait to start the treatment, although I am a bit scared, as I read, there are lots of hormone inyections implicated.

Please , let me how you are doing at Ji`Ai when you go in June.

All the best


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200335 15 yrs ago
hi paoli,

just changed my user name. i don't think there is a more expensive fertility treatment in shanghai. i had done a lot of research last year. i asked Parkway and the United family hospital and they both partner with Ruijin. Initially, I was going to see a specialist in the United family hospital but they recommended me to go to Ruijin direct becuase all they do is to help you make an appointment with a Ruijin doctor so that you can see the doctor comfortably at the United. I ended up going to Ruijin direct. there is a male doctor (Dr Ru) who comes in every Tuesdays PM who speaks both English and French. It was scary at first but after several IUIs, i pretty much know every staff there. All doctors there speak some English. I think you can make VIP appointements with the professor doctor there but the nurse told me to go line up before 7:30 am because every patient wants to see her and so i never made it.

i think the other option is to do it in Hong Kong. But for myself, i can't leave Shanghai that long and so i will have to do it here.

If you know a better place in Shanghai, pls let me know.

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Paoli 15 yrs ago
Hi again,

My Gyn/Ob recommended me these two places. The local JiAi we`ve been talking about, and the expensive one WorldPath Clinic International. I called them and they said the 1st cycle costs RMB60.000 (Quite expensive, compare to JiAi RMB30.000), and I really donĀ“t know much about their success rate. My Gyn/Ob said, the clinic is new, but the doctors are experienced.

If anybody in this forum knows anything about WorldPath you are welcome to comment on it.



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200335 15 yrs ago

thanks for the info. do you know if they actually do the egg retrieval and embryo transfer on site at the Worldpath or do they partner with a local hospital. i just looked at their website, it seems like there are 3 gynocologists but no body specializes in infertility. after all the stress and disappointments i had last year, i really want to find the best place in shanghai, not just for the service but for the expertise (or better medicine/injections). sometimes these expat hospitals just charge you more for nothing. i remember i had a regular pap smear done at the Parkway and it costed me RMB 6700 (a bit pricey without insurance). May i ask which clinic recommended you Worldpath?

i just emailed worldpath for more info. will let you if they email back. thanks

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Paoli 15 yrs ago

No, I didnĀ“t asked them what you want to know, I just asked about the price for a single cycle. But you are right, they probably work in partnership with a bigger local hospital. I`ve also been disappointed with the expensive clinics in Shanghai, I have the feeling they only want your money, they are so pricey and until now, I have not receive much help from them.

I hope WorldPath answer your e-mail. I`d be glad, if you share it with me.

My Gyn/Ob who recommended WorldPath and JiAi is at American-Sino Ob/Gyn.

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200335 15 yrs ago
the worldpath emailed back this afternoon. the person who replied my email said they have the best infertility specialist and they do all the operations in-house at the worldpath. they wanted me to make an appointment with them so that they can give me more information.

i hope someone who has done ivf at the worldpath can tell us more. I have heard success rate is high at jiai but have heard nothing with Worldpath. i mean at ruijin reproductive centre and jiai, they do nothing but ivf/iui and at least they are efficient and experienced. i don't want to go to a clinic who has only done 5-10 ivfs.

if you know more, please let me know. thanks

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Paoli 15 yrs ago
Thank you for the information 200335.

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