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15 yrs ago
Just wondering if anyone had their social worker switched during their matching process. Does this happen often? Ours called me tonight to tell me that she was leaving the SWD and that our case was being taken care of by someone else between these certain dates and then someone else staring from such and such a date. I feel like all this shuffling around is really working against us. She swore we would be represented in each panel but seriously I feel like, why would they fight for us when they don't even know us. I also feel like we've just waited nine months to wind up at the bottom of another social worker's pile. AArrggg! Can anyone share?
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I had a change of social worker. Apparently we were told that social workers working in the SWD units get moved around every couple of years. Well, at least she called to tell you of the change. We called and we found out the change. Having said that, we do find our current social worker more proactive than the last one. He was helping and giving us pointers for us to be matched quicker. However, we're taken out of the pool now because husband is based out of HK till August and that when we can be placed back in. He did try to fight back to keep us in the pool.
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Thanks sunniefaith. I think I was a little taken aback when I got the call from her last night. First of all she had never called, ever, so my heart was in my throat when I saw her number apear on my phone and then I just didn't ask the questions I wanted to ask cause I was unprepared. They are shuffing our case to two case workers in the next two month before we are assigned to our final one. I really feel this puts us at a dissadvantage in the comming matching panels. Just when you thought this couldn't be any more painful....
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I know how it feels. We've been waiting for a long time and then in late Mar I get a call from my case worker to say that we've been taken off the list till hubby returns to HK.
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