
Posted by Pinky67 15 yrs ago

Hope there is somebody out there that can offer some reassurance to my situation:

Just finished my 2nd round of Clomid, I was advised to test my LH surge from day 11 which I have done but the tests are not detecting anything?

Has anybody else experienced this?

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Arizona Girl 15 yrs ago
With my first child I took clomid for two months before I got pregnant. Whatever the first dosage was, the 2nd month the doctor doubled it. With my second child it took over a year and I went in every month for a blood test. The month I finally got pregnant my doctor had increased my dosage so that it was 4x the original dosege. This was more than 15 years ago so I don't remember the exact dosage, just be reassured, sometimes it takes time, even with fertility drugs.

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Jupiter105 15 yrs ago
Beware on Chlomid that you must have your doc checking in with you regularly to see the effects on chlomid on your body.

In some cases (it happened to me) it can actually thin the womb lining too much and block out the estrogen in your system.. can then make it very difficult for implantation to happen

Just make sure the doc is checking you and scanning you regularly

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