Termination of Pregnancy??

Posted by rovland 15 yrs ago
I have a one year old boy and I just found that I'm pregnant... It's totally an unexpected baby. My husband immediately thought about the termination of pregnancy as it will be a huge financial burden for us. We booked the operation few days later and I feel so bad about myself. Many of my friends have experience in abortion and they all have their own reasons. As for me, I wanna give the very best resources for my boy. Since my husband does not have a good relationship with his siblings, he doesn't think that it's very important to give a sibling to my son. What should I do? Any similar experience to share?

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pim_addy 15 yrs ago

Take it easy.Take calm. Because I have 4 kids. The last one is 1 mt. Please keep thinking about your baby. Your husband had bad experience,but do not think your son should have bad the same. It is not fare for him. Please carefully to think and positive thinking.

I am your friend.


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Havefaith 15 yrs ago
I agree with Cara. I could never do it but think women should have that right.

I am 1 of 4 children. I am very close to one of my sisters. She is my best friend - unless she is on a trip we talk on the phone everyday. With aging parents, I am glad I have someone to share the burden of looking after them.

My daughter is now 17 months and I will love to have one more child so that she can grow up with a sibling.


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catboulter 15 yrs ago
sorry to be asking questions back but where did you book your abortion. ive just found out im pregnant through bad planning too. went to queen mary and cannot get appointment with gyno until October(thought too late for termination!)

i do agree with the others that if you are in a secure relationship any new baby can be figured in. However if it would cause problems in your relationship maybe go for the op this time and work on convincing your husband it is a good idea for another time. i love big familys too but you cant convince someone unless they have felt what its like to be part of one.

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kissy.missy 15 yrs ago
everyone have their own reasons but the termination should be equally agreed by both the man and the woman. not just the man...or not just the woman wanting the termination. in the long run, if you do it coz your hubby wants you to then you'll blame him for the rest of your life and that brings down the relationship to a poor level.

as others said, once the babies are born - you cope in your own ways! many kids are born into unfortunately poor parents and they still do ok!

i'd like to blame the materialistic world for lesser babies born these days.

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