Maternity leave entitlement - what is usual?

Posted by ray888 15 yrs ago
Hello. I work for an international law firm and my maternity is governed by HK law. My firm only offers statutory minimum (10 weeks at 80% pay). I am trying to find out whether this is usual or whether companies in HK do offer over and above the stat minimum. I would be really grateful for information on what your firm offers, plus some basic details about the type of company it is (international, local, the sector eg, teaching, law, accountancy etc.) and whether any enhancement is based on any factors e.g. a specific period of service etc.

Thanks for any help

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CF 15 yrs ago
I'm a teacher in an international school and was entitled to 10 weeks on full pay, but only applicable after 40 (or maybe 45 I can't remember exactly!) weeks of continuous service.

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cookie09 15 yrs ago
my wife is about to go on mat leave for 6 months (though she might go back to work pat-time early). Australian company with local office.

i have not heard of anyone who got more than 3 months though (at 80% pay)

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WWcC 15 yrs ago
Unfortunately yes, its usual. I worked for an international law firm last year and had my maternity leave with the same 10 weeks (80% pay), its statutory HK law. However, what I did was stay at work until (as it turned out) the last day (as my pregnancy was so good). I then had the 2 weeks that people normally take beforehand at the end and I took 1 weeks hols so it was ok. However, it really is nowhere long enough if you are breastfeeding and I would have continued had it not been for going back to work. Law firms, international or not, are no way generous about maternity leave like they would be in their Head Office. They are 'international' when they are dealing with clients but they become 'local' when they are compensating staff!!

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trying! 15 yrs ago
I agree with WWcC. So true!

I am in-house and our package is a little better - we get 100% paid 10 weeks mat leave. The only requirement is that you have been with the company for 12 months before you give birth.

Lobby your HR departments and ask for more. It's really all a matter of discretion and how much they want to keep their staff happy.

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Havefaith 15 yrs ago
Yes, I would definitely try to ask for more.

I am in house and got my standard 10 weeks mat leave with 100% pay. My friend managed to get the same despite the fact she was with the law firm for less than 12 months before giving birth. However, she did her negotiations before she accepted her job offer.


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*V* 15 yrs ago
I work in an international bank and our policy is 16 week 100% paid (after you have been with the firm for more than 6 months (or a year, I can't remember)).

I know a lot of companies offer 12 weeks 100% paid in Hong Kong.

Good luck! I hope you get extra paid maternity leave.

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AnnaR 14 yrs ago
hi everyone!

did anyone ever tried to take more time off - at least 6 moths...? i understand that the rest from 12 weeks are not paid.

its my first baby and i feel so strange leaving him that early...

also - what amases me - they try to promote breatfeeding here in HK, but indeed they have the worse timing for maternity and also no time so-called for breatfeeding during work!...

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Slammy 14 yrs ago
My first baby, I went back to work when she was three months old. I managed to stick some annual leave on after my maternity leave was finished. I pumped milk at work and breastfed until 14 months of age.

I've just had my second baby and this time, I've left work until July next year. Decided that pumping is just a hassle and would rather spend time at home with my new baby!

It's unpaid leave of course. I only get paid for 10 weeks (I thought it was 100% pay but perhaps it's only 80%??)

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