What To Do ?

Posted by filial 14 yrs ago

I and husband in great health. We have both done the checks and all is good inside. I have been using a Chinese doctor to 'warm up' my body. Now aged 42 and still no pregnancy

Really wary of the IVF route as I have heard how badly it affects health. Of course, visited IVF clinic and they make it sound so easy (just pay money la !) But I'm not convinced

So, I'm looking for any advice from those who have been in my situation (ie healthy but no luck still with limited time)

Thks for any advice as know that time is running very short


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juliette 14 yrs ago
I feel for you. Infertility is such a terrible condition...only women who are dealing with it know how emotionally draining it is.

I too tried Chinese medicine, acupuncture, alternative therapies to no avail. Finally i had to accept that my eggs are simply too old, and tried the donor route. Still no success. If having a child is very important to you, trying IVF with your eggs or donor's eggs will at least provide a glimmer of hope and keep you going.

Best of luck to you and your husband.

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longing 14 yrs ago
Hi filial and juliette,

Juliette, saw your previous post so thought I'd reply to both of you with one message.

I've gone through 3 IVFs and 3 FETs which resulted in 1 miscarriage (2nd FET) and my little boy (3rd IVF) who just turn 13 months. Prior to that I had been TTCing for over 8 years with no success.

All I can say is don't give up and yes there are side effects with all the hormone injections but believe me it's all worth it in the end. When I fell pregnant with my son I had chinese herbs for 3 months and acupuncture for a month prior to my third and final IVF. So somewhere somehow they must have helped. In August this year I had my 3rd FET which failed after trying naturally for 6 months.

I found out last week that I'm pregnant naturally but the embryo is a week behind schedule so not sure what the outcome will be but I've learnt to relax and maybe that's the secret. I'll be 42 in 3 weeks time.

Good luck and please keep on trying whichever way you see fit and you'll be able to say with hand on heart that you did everything possible.


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juliette 14 yrs ago

this is an amazing and inspiring story of determination and resilience.

I am so happy for you. IVF eventually worked for you and then this amazing gift of a natural pregnancy.

May i ask where you did acupuncture? i had acupuncture for many years while i was trying to conceive naturally, but so far no success. I would definitely try acupuncture again, but with a different doctor.

As to Chinese medicine, was it targeted for IVF or just to balance your body? Any advise and info about Chinese medicine practitioners/centres is highly appreciated :-)

All the best with your pregnancy.

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babybemine 14 yrs ago

Have you tried IUI? It is much cheaper than IVF and the drugs are in a much lower dose than with IVF so easier for the body to handle. You may want to try that a couple of times before taking the leap to IVF. Otherwise, if you really want a baby, you may want to keep an open-mind about the different options.

I did IUI to conceive my first child when I was in my late 30s. Like you, I did not have any specific issues except age and was told my chances would be better if I got more eggs. I got 2 eggs and that was enough. I am pregnant with my second, conceived naturally, but had also tried IUI a few times again (no luck). You could still get pregnant naturally but its impossible to know which method will click so better to try different things soon.

Longing, fingers crossed for you.

Juliette, good luck. I did some accupuncture at the Health & Joy Clinic (tel: 2111-0056) before conceiving the second time. It may have helped.

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longing 14 yrs ago
Hi Juliette,

For the miscarriage I was with Troy Sing in Central for 3 months, if you search his name on this site you'll be able to find his details. Troy also gives herb powder but be warned he is expensive.

I had the successful IVF at Prolivfic also in Central with Dr William So. Dr Zhou does the acupuncture there before and after transfer.

The herbalist is in Wanchai, Great Eagle Centre called NPH Chinese Medicine Ctr. You have to tell them straight....I want to have a baby and tell them how long you've been trying and they'll ask you a couple more questions and that's it. The herbs are boiled and vacuum so you just need to place them in boiling water for a minute or two to reheat. I went again to them before the failed FET so not sure if that helped this time. It must be a combination of a lot of things but one thing is for sure you need to relax....easier said than done! I use to curse those who would tell me to relax and it will happen because 8 years of disappointment month after month wasn't easy. I now understand.

Sorry not much advice but take it easy and don't be too tough on yourself. If you want further details drop me a PM and I'll give you as much as I can remember


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juliette 14 yrs ago
Longing, many thanks and fingers crossed for you :-)

I may try another FET in Spring...i need to restore some hormonal balance and take some time out to heal myself...relaxing is so difficult in HK!

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