How many IVF or FET did you have before a positive result?

Posted by juliette 14 yrs ago
I had 3 FETs with donor embryos. Two resulted in a negative result and one was bio-chemical, that is the pregnancy test was positive but the HCG was too low and never went above 40.

All three were with 5 days grade A or B embryos.

I really don't know whether i should try again, as the cost is high and the emotional stress huge.

Giving up is also very difficult... i have been dreaming of a child for years, and can't reconcile myself with the idea of never having one. When i think of giving up a terrible sadness seizes me, and am afraid i would become depressed and lose all zest for life.

I can't afford immunological tests but my doctor thinks i should try taking Prednisone to increase my chances, in case there is an auto-immune response.

I would like to hear from women who had several cycles (IVF, or FET) before finally getting pregnant.

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juliette 14 yrs ago

i read your post about immunological tests in the US. Is it possible to do the tests in HK? I cannot travel often, and have already travelled to Europe 3 times for my FETs.

My situation is complicated by the fact that i am single and therefore i cannot receive fertility treatment in HK (the local legislation restricts the reproductive rights of single women who suffer from infertility, a health condition not a biblical curse!)

By the way, did you ever suffer from allergies or other auto-immune conditions?

My clinic in Europe doesn't do immune testing.

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Aussierules 14 yrs ago

If you can get a blood order slip from your doctor, Pathlab at Melbourne Plaza, Central can do the test for you and have it sent to Chicago. They can then send you the results via email. Apparently they are the only lab in Hk that's set up for these tests and they do it on a daily basis.

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juliette 14 yrs ago
I wonder why no labs perform immunological tests in HK. Hospitals like Queen Mary perform transplants, why can't they offer immunological tests for infertility?

The cost of testing in Chicago, even through a local lab that sends blood specimens there, is very high, and then if issues are found. i am no better off because my clinic in Europe doesn't offer transfusions.

I had a food allergy test done a few years ago, the HK doctor sent the blood vials to a clinic in the US, and the result was ridiculous. Apparently i am allergic to spinach and Brazilian nuts. I eat them very sporadically and never had any allergic reaction. On the other hand if i drink milk or eat cheese i have immediate discomfort, and yet dairy products didn't even feature as a problem food in the result. I spent a lot of money on that test, and still rely only on my body reaction to tell me what to eat and what not to eat.

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Aussierules 14 yrs ago
The fertility industry in HK never ceases to amaze me. Calling itself a "World City in Asia", HK is light years behind many countries when it comes to fertility related areas. When I told doctors in US and Australia that unmarried couples are denied IVF treatment in HK, they always responded in disbelief. And even after my 3rd M/C, my gyn just asked me to "keep on trying" without suggesting any tests. I had to do lots of research and speak with overseas doctors on my own. The knowledge of immunology amongst HK fertility doctors is rather low, to say the least. Doctor are probably too busy making money.

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trying! 14 yrs ago
Aussie Rules is totally correct. Don't waste your time and money waiting and wondering whilst trying again and again. We did. After 6 IVF attempts a doctor finally found out that I had immunology issues. I'm now 24 weeks pregnant after resolving those issues. I went to the US. I wish I had gone after my 1st or 2nd attempt failed.....I wasted precious time and money on the Drs here - and their 'lets see approach'.

You have to understand that HK is light years behind the rest of the world as the laws here are archaic and do not change as readily as they do elsewhere to cater for humanity. With China's one child policy, and HK's old ways, Drs here aren't as advanced because fertility is not a priority. The medical industry does not see fertility as a priority. There are enough people here that they don't really need to worry so much, unlike other countries with ageing populations etc.

So, my advice - don't waste anymore time. Get all the tests done - get the treatment and you will get the results. I don't know anyone who has failed after getting the tests and the proper treatment.

Just my 2 cents. Good luck.


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