Why We Should Ban Most C-Sections

Posted by Ed 14 yrs ago

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GemmaW 14 yrs ago

I wanted a VBAC. My first c-section was an emergency but when I asked for a trial of labor with my second child, the dr was not so optimistic. When I was in labor, I screamed for a c-section because of the pain. My husband told me to rethink it because I wanted a VBAC so we tried to hold but the nurse said, "Why are you waiting for? Just go straight for a c-section", so in the end we did. Your willpower isn't very strong when you have a nurse telling you that you should go for it and when the pain is excruciating.

I should have opted for the Prince of Wales. The dr I saw during my pregnancy said I could have a trial of labor from the start. My private gynae at the Union immediately suggested c-section a second time without mentioning a trial of labor.

Plus at the public hospital, you could ask for your baby to be put next to you after the birth. In a private hospital, you have to walk to the nursery at "set" times. It's very hard to establish breastfeeding that way.

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miffy 14 yrs ago
GemmaW - I'm sorry you didn't have the birth you wanted at the Union. It seems, however, that there is a vast difference even between the private hospitals here. I delivered both my children at a private hospital in Hong Kong, and had nothing but total support and constant encouragement from the midwives for a natural, non-medicated birth. Neither of my children were ever in the nursery, though it was offered to me as a place where they could look after the babies if I needed a rest - but definitely not having to walk to the nursery at set times.

Having said that, I am firmly of the opinion that the end result of a healthy baby is really the most important thing - and if you're not insured or don't have a spare $200K, the medical care in public hospitals here is brilliant.

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LOJITT 14 yrs ago
If you are committed to a vaginal delivery in HK and you are going privately, see either Lucy Lord or Grace Cheung. They have a very low c-section rate compared to most HK Obs and are genuinely committed to supporting women to have a natural delivery. Yes, of course they will do a c-section if medically necessary, but they wont come up with excuses to do a scheduled c-section, unlike some.

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