Local adoption success stories?

Posted by Viola_Hong Kong 13 yrs ago

My husband and I are in the process of applying to adopt locally (we are both Australian). We've been to the workshops and are now at the home visit stage.

I had heard that in the past local adoption was quite a fast process compared with other countries. However, recently, I've heard this has changed with couples waiting for quite a long time. I understand waiting times depend a lot on your nationality (i.e. a Chinese couple versus non-Chinese) and also your preferences (e.g. age, medical history etc.), but I was wondering if anyone has anyone has been through the process recently and has any encouraging stories.

Thanks so much!


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Nadine1976 13 yrs ago
Hi Viola,

Our family has just finished the process by going to court just last month. We waited about 17 months (from approval after the home study) and were finally matched with a gorgeous 3 month old little boy. He is now almost 11 months and the centre of our lives. Hang in there...it's all worth it in the end.

My husband and I are both Canadian but my husband is Asian (Korean). I know that probably helped us a little bit through the process. Good luck!


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skwood72 13 yrs ago
Hi Viola,

We are just beginning the process as well. Have you had any feedback on the timeframe? I have heard as well that the waiting time is much longer now. I have a friend who was matched with a gorgeous little boy on the day they were approved, so only 6 months from the date of the initial briefing session, that was three and a half years ago though.

Good luck.


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emonkey 13 yrs ago
Dear Sandra, Nadine and Viola,

Just wanted to make sure you are aware of Adoptive Families of Hong Kong. We're a nonprofit group of adoptive famlies that has been around for nearly 20 years. Please find us at www.afhk.org.hk or send an email to contact@afhk.org.hk. We provide community, a chance for your kids to meet other adoptees and you to meet other adoptive parents and support when you need it (if you need it). Hope to hear from you!



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Sunny49 10 yrs ago
Hi Everyone!

I heard about this site and it looks nice, but nothing new on adoption pages. My husband and I are looking into adoption and it's exciting, but there's a lot involved so I like to research on forums.
I found this site: www.adoption.com.
It seems like a very active site so people get back to you really fast. I wish your families the best with finding assistance with adoption!


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