private clinic check up and deliver at QMH

Posted by ogi 13 yrs ago

I am 6 weeks pregnant. I went to private clinic for check up. But since it is really expensive to ask my doctor & private hospital, I am thinking I want to do check up at private clinic and deliver at QMH. Is there anybody done this way before? If so, pls let me know how the process work for QMH.

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Annelie78 13 yrs ago

I am also interested in this information. Am also pregnant (think about 5 weeks). Have only been in hk for a few weeks so not sure ow venting works yet.


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hknixon 13 yrs ago
Yes you can do private check ups and still attend your QMH appointments. You don't have too many appointments with them if your pregnancy is going smoothly anyway. As far as your employer goes if you have a Dr certificate they have to pay no matter how many appointments! I just did the private appointment for a better bed side manner. You don't need to worry about QMH competency they are very good but lack that special touch!

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