Give birth in HK or UK?

Posted by Yolilau 12 yrs ago
I'm thinking whether I should give birth in HK or UK.

Both have their own pros and cons, but I'd like to hear your thoughts

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dabertou 12 yrs ago
i had my birth of my son back home in australia.

pros - the birth was a difficult one and i dont know what i would have done without the care and support of my mum and sisters at such a critical time.

they were invaluable to me in the first few months after birth as i was physically weak , had difficulty feeding etc. having them there to support me and advise me was and still does mean to the world to me. the level of care provided in australia was excellent. i loved it.

cons - i was there without my husband most of the time. i attended pre natal classes alone (only one!)

my husband almost didnt make it to the birth.

he was only there a few weeks at a time post birth.

i am now in hong kong after 5 months back home. it has been very hard to move as i felt very settled in australia.

care from family was much more valuable to me than any helper could have been. i honestly dont know what i would have done without them so for me am happy with the decision.

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mojo12 12 yrs ago
I'm planning to have it in HK - going to have it in a private hospital although it is more expensive, but I want to save umbilical cord blood.

I've had prenatal classes in HK and my family are in HK to take care of me.

The benefits here are good too - although it is more expensive..but worth it in the end.

UK - cheaper in NHS hospital and you get the british passport for the kid.

They also get funds from the government for milk formula money (which you don't get in HK)...but living expense and travel expense are much higher than HK

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evildeeds 12 yrs ago
"UK - cheaper in NHS hospital and you get the british passport for the kid"

Not unless you are British yourselves. If you are then your child can still get a British passport here as long as your citizenship wasn't by decent.

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Yolilau 12 yrs ago
I am British / HK Citizen...

England - great benefits, NHS covered

HK - lots of people, less benefits, but family is closer.

Mojo12 - Why are you going to store umbilical cord?

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mojo12 12 yrs ago
Yes I want to store it because I know it will benefit my baby in the future and I want to give it extra protection.

I was only wondering if there is a monthly plan instead of paying all in one go.

Stil doing my research.

Do you know anything about it?

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Yolilau 12 yrs ago
Not heard of any monthly plan coming from any company...cordlife had one before, but it was from a certain credit card. However, I think this was years ago.

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hostie 12 yrs ago
we are using a company called smart cells for cord blood storage as they are one of the best and follow british laws. Don't think they have a monthly plan though

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mojo12 12 yrs ago
Does that mean that people need to store the umbilical cord blood in England? Or you guys have in Hong Kong for Storage?

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hostie 12 yrs ago
it gets put straight on a plane to london and is stored there. We felt its worth it as atleast we know they follow all british protocol. They are really helpful if you e mail or call them.

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mojo12 12 yrs ago
wow really? I'm not sure I can trust my umbilical cord being saved outside Hong Kong though. How does it even get out of immigration? Is that allowed?

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Yolilau 12 yrs ago
That's quite good, if I decide to hae umbilical cord taken in HK then move back to UK. that way...someone can have it delivered for me and I won't have to worry about it. But i'm not sure

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hostie 12 yrs ago
of course. It packaged in proper medical containers. I had my son 3 weeks ago and the cord and blood was picked up after delivery and put straight on a plane. Its has had all the tests done on it in the uk and is perfect for storage.. You don't have to do any worrying... its just a phone call to the company to say its ready for collection.

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Yolilau 11 yrs ago
uhhh....u don't do tests till you get to the uk?? are you serious?? that's so bad! should do it straight away right to get the most accurate data? how much ice is enough anyway?

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hostie 11 yrs ago
no its not bad its perfectly normal and right to do tests in UK if its done in the right conditions which it is. The reason we chose the uk is that hk dont have a good reputation for storing properly.

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mojo12 11 yrs ago
Hk has lots of space to store properly. Whats the difference and in what sense does hong kong not have the requirements to store umbilical cord blood. Isn't it just nitrogen gas to store them?

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hostie 11 yrs ago
its not about how much space hk has to store its about how it is handled. You can't just store it,the cord blood has to be tested first to make sure there is enough and that it is worth storing. Its a personal choice obviously. For me it was a no brainer. My first son has a genetic condition so it was really important for us that the cordblood from my second son was properly handled. Good luck though hope you get it sorted

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mojo12 11 yrs ago
yes, but the time taken to get it tested in hk and then shipped to uk is not practical at all. You need to do it in the same country to get the most abundant results.

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Yolilau 11 yrs ago
I went with cordlife.

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hostie 11 yrs ago
Hope all goes well. We got great results. Mojo the tests are done in the uk.. it is picked up within an hour of delivery. I don't understand why its not practical as we had our results in 2 days and the tests are done in uk. It doesn't get tested in hk then sent it is sent straight to uk where the tests are carried out. At the end its personal choice. If you are storing it as a 'just in case i might need it' then i would proberly store in hk but our situation is more serious so we really had to make sure we choice the best option for us..again just personal choice

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mojo12 11 yrs ago
yolilau - when did you join?

Join now adays and you get BB QUAX vouchers

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bigwhale 11 yrs ago
I had mine in Australia. Many reasons, the most important being....if you needed a blood transfusion, which blood bank do you trust more? Hk or UK?

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Yolilau 11 yrs ago
I think it depends on technology and company.

Not sure..

HK has got great technology

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mojo12 11 yrs ago
I'm not sure if umbilical cord blood is big in the UK

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mojo12 11 yrs ago
Saw another discussion page about giving birth in UK.

Any insurance coverage from companies?

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