Posted by
19 yrs ago
Am I being paranoid (quite likely) or should I go to see the doctor.
I am 10 weeks and have had nausea and fatigue since begining. I have'nt actually been sick yet but in the last couple of days the thought of food or drink makes me gag, not all the time and worse in the evening. I have also had a headache everyday and feel constantly dizzy and tired, even though I am getting 10-11 hours sleep a night. I am due to see my ob/gyn in 2 weeks and just wondered if this is all normal and I should sit it out. I had no symptons at all with my son.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
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rest well and if you are worried, just go see your ob/gyn earlier?
i was very sick during this part of pregnancy too....puked up everything (even dry biscuits that are supposed to help) and very, very, very tired. i would leave work at 6pm, take a nap until dinner and then crash out again at about half 9. i wake up the next morning at 8am just to shower and grab a cab to work for 9am and still super duper exhausted!!!
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i am 8 weeks now, and i am dizzy almost the same hour every day, headache, i dont have, but the rest of the morning sickness symptoms, i have everything.
i agree w/ wheelymate that if you are worried you should go and see doc, remember, i was so nervous before my doc appointment yesterday?
hot shower always help me though...
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I also didn't have the same symptoms with the first pregnancy. The second, yes, morning sickness all day long and worse in the late afternoon/evening, fatigue and dizziness. I stayed in bed 15 hours a day (lucky me, I don't work)for a couple of weeks 8 & 9 I think.
I read the dizziness is because your blood supply is increasing to meet the fetus' needs but hasn't quite got there yet.
Yes, mention it all to your doctor, but I'm guessing you'll feel much better after the first trimester. It all cleared up for me at about 11wks.
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Thanks for all the replies. Glad to hear that the dizziness is common as that is what has been freaking me out a bit. I'll see how I go this weekend and go see ob/gyn earlier maybe next week.
pampamtobemommy - I will try hot shower maybe it will wake me up a bit. I know how nervous you were before your doc appointment. Just feel a bit silly going for him to tell me its all normal but sometimes you need that reassurance I suppose.
Can't wait for this bit to be over, my helper has been great and is doing everything for me so I feel a right lazy cow.
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warm showers reminds me that warm baths helped to relax me quite abit during my 1st tri...sinking into a pool of warm water felt so nice!
BUT BUT cautioned about the water temperature and how long you stay in the water....apparently taking very hot baths for too long can affect the fetus (according to some baby books and articles i came across during my pregnancy).
good luck!
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I have had a similar experience. I had no pregnancy symptoms at all with my first two babies, but with this one I started off with nausea (just like you just the thought of food made me gag), and extreme tiredness. In the first few weeks, I had two migraine headaches, just like those Cara described. The second one of these made me think to take a pregnancy test in the first place. I kept getting headaches regularly, probably every couple of days. I found that drinking plenty of water helped the headaches, and even a cup of coffee gave some relief (I wasn't planning to get pregnant so may have had caffeine withdrawal!). It is safe to take Panandol while you are pregnant apparently, but I didn't find it made much difference to me. I'm now 18 weeks and haven't had a headache for about a month. The nausea started to trail off at about 14 weeks.
By the way, at my first ob/gyn appointemt (at 8 weeks), I discovered why I was feeling so crap...twins!
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I tend to avoid baths as I have low blood pressure which makes me faint anyway if I have a hot bath so I suppose it could be that.
I too sometimes can't see properly but thought that was just tiredness perhaps its a sign of migraines which I used to suffer from.
I have already had a scan and the ob/gyn said it was only one (unless one was hiding)??
Thanks for all the advise I am taking it easy today partly because my ankles are killing me (another sympton) can't believe I have gone from having one child with no symptons to having the second with all of them in the book!!
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