Hi, please don't take this the wrong way, but is going hormonally crazy a possible sign of pregnancy?
My wife & I have been trying for quite a while and I think this month we may have hit the jackpot if her emotions are any indication. She is a bit of a hot head normally, but this month she seems to have gone off the deep end, swam around for a while and decided to set up shop.
I am hoping that this is just an early phase of prenancy (that will hopefully pass soon). If it isn't then I am at a loss of what to think. :)
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18 yrs ago
Irrational emotions, crazy dreams, not easy to sleep well, easily upset, cries a lot, angry at husband...
Sounds about right...
Be patient with her, it's nine months, it is very hard on her body.
In addition, if she works, she has to put on a 'brave face' in the office, and by the time she gets home she will be shattered and misserable.
I felt (and feel the second time), that I had an alien inside of me which just took over my body, emotions and I pretty much hated every moment.
The good news is, once the baby popped out, I was happy over the moon and back to my usual positive self!
I am amazed how paitent my husband was/is and love him even more for it.
Good luck and congratulations!
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Thank you for the confirmation. I know I should be happy, but for some reason the knowledge that I have to face this for the next 9 months puts a bit of a damper on it. Oh well. I suppose I can stand being yelled at because I didn't know that her great-aunts favorite color was green for the sake of family and love. :D
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18 yrs ago
Adn BTW Exhausrted Guy - major kudos and points for looking at the pregnancy forum and posting here, you do love your wife and care very much - she is lucky!! and deep inside she knows it.
The thoughts I have are so insane I can't even explain them, but trust me she has round thoughts and conversations and knows somewhere that this is irrational and it is all the 'alien' not her... but she might not be able to express it.
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Everytime my husband dared to suggest that i was a bit moody in the first few weeks - i'd cry and tell him that maybe we should separate - he was like : where is this coming from??
I was in tears for a couple of hours and completely convinced that he didn't love me or care for me because he dared to grill a fish - i couldn't stand the smell.
He was quite scared and worried in the begining as well...
now at 20 weeks he's kind of resigned to the situation and i also like to think that I've calmed down a bit.....
hang in there.
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Thank you ladies. You have really helped me with this. Now that I know what I am in for, I can at least prepare myself for it. :)
It helps to know that I really am not a bad guy because I dared close the window to block out the sound of a neighbors crying child at 1 in the morning. :)
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18 yrs ago
The day the my first test turned blue I gave my husband a book called "what to expect when she's expecting" - amusing and very helpful read.
Good Luck!
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18 yrs ago
Hi EhaustedGuy,
Let me just warn you....it may not be just nine months as they say...from my own experience the worst fight I had with my husband is AFTER birth of my son. I just can't control my mood and am so emotional! cry every day over little things and even over nothing. Is probably a mild case of depression but all the mother I've spoken to said they have some degree of it. You don't admit or even know you have it but your action proves it. With me everytime I see my BB being hold by anyone I get really frastruated...I tell them off and say things like:
"watch out you hurting him" or
"don't do that you'll hurt him" or
"give me my BB back!"
I also tell my husband off with things like:
"wash your hands before you handle the BB" or
"don't walk so loud or you'll scarce him" or
"stop slamming the doors!" and
"I don't want your family(about 10 adults and kids) to come over and play with my BB like a doll! and bring germs and virus over"
So he got so irratiated over all these stuff I say to him, he begins to think he is not allowed to even touch him! We both got angry with each other and nearly argue to the point of a divorce!
Thinking back now I was overconcerned about my BB, full of anxiety and angry at my husband for not understanding me. Man! is a rollacoaster of emotional events! so please understand that these things may happen and don't feel too personal about it.
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i can totally identify with AKKY.
it doesn't help that everyone is so focused on the baby that poor mum (who has done and still is doing the hard work) is almost always neglected.
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