Posted by
18 yrs ago
Hi everyone!
I have just come off the pill and am now trying for a baby. I am hearing from some people that i should wait three months before trying but looking at some info on the net, it says that it is perfectly safe to try straight away. Is it proven that the chance of miscarriage is higher if you conceive in the first 3 months of coming off the pill? Also, can anyone tell me how long it took them to conceive after coming off the pill? I know everyone is different but all i have heard are very long timeframes. Has anyone fallen pregnant quickly after the pill? Sorry...lots of questions...just getting excited, finally no more of the pill!
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It is feasible to get pregnant today!
But everyone is different. Some ladies are more fertile than others. Some ladies get a big shock when they get pregnant within one no-pill cycle, others may take many cycles.
Don't know the medical research on miscarriages - first pregnancies have a higher incidence of miscarriage anyway - but even falling pregnant while on the pill does not affect the baby.
BTW, being on the pill doesn't affect your fertility. If you have problems getting pregnant it's not because of the pill.
Hope you're already on the folic acid. And good luck!
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Thanks Claire,
Started my folic acid already too :)
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18 yrs ago
I got pregnant the next month. It was a surprise because I also heard lots of stories like "a woman's body needs to recover for 8-12 months". Not with me ;-))
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Wow Nuri, that sounds positive. So happy to hear that there is at least a possibility!
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Jackpotter, I have three friends who all got pregnant in the first month, none of them expected, or were even hoping for, that to happen two of them suffer from PCOS and were working on the basis that it would definitely take a while so were completely stunned!
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Jackpotter, I've never hear that you *have* to wait...just that it's important not to be too impatient as it sometimes takes a few cycles for your body to adjust to the change. As for me, I got pregnant 3 cycles after going off the pill.
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Ooh, i am happy to hear more positive stories. Still, i will be patient! By the way, i just bought an OPK...(just feeding my excitement really). They seem quite expensive for 5 sticks:(
Does everyone just get theirs from Watsons or Mannings?
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18 yrs ago
I was told years ago that the advice to wait 3 months after coming off the pill wasn't to give your body time to recover, but to give you a few cycles so that when you did get pregnant it was easier for a doctor to date the pregnancy when he had the correct date of your last period.
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I think that is the right reason too, just for the ability to correctly date conception. I have also recently read that you are hyperfertile in the first month from coming off the pill and then your body will settle into its own natural rhythms. very exciting. All the best.
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