What type of Milk to drink?

Posted by Highlander 17 yrs ago

My pregnancy is confirmed! I was advise to drink more milk. And I was told that there are chilled milk and also milk that are sold on the shelves.

Does anyone knows what is the difference? And any specific brand that I should buy?

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PDNS 17 yrs ago
actually you can have cheese, soy milk, all kind of fresh milk or if fancy those milk for pregnant woman i remember the name is anmom or something. there are also under other diffrent brands from meadjohnson and nestle. my gyno told me if i dont like anything, add butter to your cooking, cheese, ice cream and cake which i gradly said YES! Dont worry about putting on weight at this time :) your child will make you a little fatter initially and also thinner later when s/he starts running!!! Enjoy all the food you like!

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jallore 17 yrs ago
I always think that pasteurized (fresh) milk is better than UHT milk (boxed). Go for low fat.

For me, before I was pregnant, I loved milk. Now I'm off it and am instead opting for Soy milk. This is just as good if not better.

The recommended intake per day is 4 servings.

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kiwimmc 17 yrs ago
I figure a bowl of haagen daz or ben and jerrys is giving me some of my milk each day ;-)

not good for the waist but hey it cools you down too

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Highlander 17 yrs ago
Hi All, thak you so much for your inputs.

jallore, pastrurized milk - this is the one I am looking for! Is 1 full glass you are referring per serving?

kiwimmc, I like your idea but cold stuff is no good.

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Sashimi Girl 17 yrs ago
i agree with going for low-fat milk. you need the calcium not the fat!

i went for low-fat So Good as i was totally off cow's milk. YUCK!

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