giving birth in the US

Posted by aqua72 17 yrs ago
Does any know the procedure for giving birth in the US? I current live in HK but am a US citizen. For family and personal reasons, I am considering giving birth in the US. I will probably fly over to the US right before the cut-off period. As I am currently cared for by my doctor in HK, do I have find another doctor and book a hospital for US delivery?

If anyone has had experience giving birth in the US, I would appreciate information on how it works there.


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exeter 17 yrs ago
It would be wise to find a doctor and hospital now, and make an appointment for a consultation for when you arrive in the US. Get recommendations from friends/family back in the US. I wouldn't wait until you get there because it isn't like here where you can get an appointment within a week. I once made an appt for a OB/GYN/Fertility specialist in Boston and was told the next available booking for a new patient was four months into the future!

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namaste 17 yrs ago
The hospital that you deliver in will likely require a pre-admission. Doctors have practice privileges which are granted at specific hospitals. I think that if you have a low-risk pregnancy, it would be quite easy for you to locate a suitable doctor or midwife in time. I suppose the biggest concern would be having a back-up plan in the case of pre-mature labor. Be sure to get a copy of your prenatal records before returning. Totally agree with Exeter about finding recommendations from friends and family.

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