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16 yrs ago
I have had my helper for 2 and a half years and love her, she is soo good to us and loves my dogs, I am now pregnant and she has no child experience, Does anyone know where I can send her to get trained on how to deal with babies, I have checked the YWCA but they don't really have any classes for this.
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Check out this web site.
Health visitor Yvonne Heavyside runs childcare courses for helpers. She can also do a private visit to your house once the baby arrives to teach your maid further.
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Matilda International Hospital offers a childcare course and details are available on the website.
Or you can call our health education coordinator on 2849 0357.
Matilda International Hospital
Hong Kong
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16 yrs ago
I have sent you a private pm....Thanks
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We sent out helper to YWCA for baby and infant First Aid courses. I wanted to send her to more intensive babycare courses, but I found the best training was having her with me when going through the routine.
My helper had experience only with older children and nothing with newborn. I knew that when I put her on and decided to train her up myself because I liked her when we met and she had a nice open face.
I think if you are happy with your helper and she is excited about your pregnancy then it's a good indication that she will take onboard this new role happily.
Annerly Midwives have helper courses as I was going to look into for our helper, but I found that she took to our baby like a duck to water, so I have not sent her. If I had any doubts whatsoever, I would send her, but sometimes I think the best training is the "on the job". I know it's your baby but you will be there constantly and will see for yourself if she needs the extra training.
Good Luck!
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annerley is also excellent. i also have friends who have hired helpers with no child experience and it has worked out well. and i agree, if you are going to be there all the time then that will be much easier learning curve.
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