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18 yrs ago
Are you taking anything else besides the vitamines?? I have taken Cipro before and had no problems with it. Everyones different though.
You could just be stressed. Work or ppl around you. Family or a relationship. Alot of things can stress us before we realize we are stressed. This might be a way your body is telling you that u are stressed out. At night try drinking a calming tea. The twinge you are having in your elbows, finger and toes might be nerve related. perhaps a pinched nerve or nerves that are causing the pain.
Just try to take it easy and see how things go. If it keeps affecting you, you might want to try stopping the vitamins.
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do you basically mean that you were fine before you take the fertility vitamins? may be its best you go to your doctor and ask for his advice.
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I know that you must be keen to conceive and so are doing your utmost to increase your chances. Supplements are good for that.
But taking too many, can cause multiple health problems. Excess B-6 can cause numbness in the joints, too much vitamin A can cause a series of problems as well. So it sounds like you are taking too many supplements.
My father is an OB, and he tells me all the time that the marketing of these so-called "fertility aids" is a horrible thing for women who are desperate to have children. MOst of them, according to him, have no proven anything and are just taking advantage of women who want to have children.
According to him, AGE, is the greatest contributing factor of infertility - and well - nothing you can take can help - it's all luck and a bit of baby dust.
So - try and relax, not be stressed, and take one day at a time. It will happen - and it will happen naturally. Let nature take it's course with your body.
May you heal well and feel better.
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