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18 yrs ago
I'm already in my 7th month pregnancy and I've heard that you have to take a glucose test but my doctor told me they are conducting this just in case you have a high risk: does anyone know about this?
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18 yrs ago
I am not sure if you are asking what the test is like, but if you are, here you go...
First, they test your blood with a finger prick in the Drs office. If all is fine, then no more tests.
If you are high or borderline (I was borderline my first pregnancy) they send you to the lab for a more comprehensive test.
You can't eat late at night or breakfast, then they take some blood, make you drink some sugar water (the books all say it tastes bad, but really it was okay), then after an hour (I rested on the chairs in the lobby as I was completely light headed and exhausted) they take more blood. Then you can eat.
I recommend bringing food with you to eat right after as I felt quite sick from the sugar on an empty stomach.
Not sure if that was what you were asking or not.
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I think it depends on your doctor as to how they do this. My doctor you drink a glucose drink and then 1 hour later they do a blood test.
When I had my son in UK they check your urine sample and if sugar is showing you then had to have a further test.
You do not have to have the test if you do not want to. I chose not to have it done here just had my urine checked as per uk which was fine so no further testing was needed.
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Same with Millerwhisk back in the states i first had the urine tested. good luck!!!
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18 yrs ago
The test is not usually mandatory but I had to have one back in the UK when I had quite alot of sugar in a urine sample at 33 weeks.
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18 yrs ago
Really? That's great then. I only ever had one in the UK but not here in HK. FWIW, I think they SHOULD be compulsory anyway.
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I am taking that test coming Friday on 23rd at Tsng Yuk Hospital (Antenatal Out patient clinic for QMH) for 60 HKD only. You can register yourself with your and your husband's or bf's ID card copy but only on Wednesday or Friday, should make appointment first.
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I wasn't high risk (no diabetic in my family, young, and regular pre-pregnancy weight etc), but I had the 3 hours test in Tsan Yuk Hospital like everyone being followed-up in public and they found out I had gestational diabetes for my 1st one and I had it again for my 2nd despite I was very careful iro my diet.
From my experience definitely worth doing it. In case of undetected gestational diabetes, some of the risks are very big baby, respiratory problems for baby etc
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