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19 yrs ago
after trying for abt 7-8 months, we recently visited the doc and found out that the test done on my hubby's semen didnt look good. The doc said that while the overall count was pretty good the motility was only 7% which is really low. Anyone had exeprience with this?
Also is it true that one test is not sufficient to determine the sperm quality? should we get tested again?
the doc has given him zinc 100mg for a period of 3 months and told us to wait and watch.
does any one know if we stand a chance to get preg naturally after the 3 month period?
any advice is appreciated. thanks
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1. Was ita fresh sample, if it is obtained earlier and then taken across town to the lab the motilty will be falling all the time, best to 'produce'it in the lab bathroom.
2. One sperm test proves little, sperm have good days and bad days.
3. Keep those goodies cool. The ideal temp for sperm production is below body heat, that why the dangle down the way they do. NO tight y fronts, NO hot baths, buy a kilt.
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thanks dr moreton.
the sample was abt 45 minutes to an hour by the time we got it to the lab.
your reply makes me feel better.
will try and get another sample tested next week. eitherway, is only zinc 100 mg enough to treat this, if this is really our problem?
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ask your doc is he could give multi vitamins with Siberian Ginseng & Korean Ginseng from Switzerland as it has multi-v + High potency for your hubby.......within 3 weeks get him to go for another will show improvement.
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my hubby sperm mobility is only 2% but my doc says that is not really a big issue as the total amt is a lot..we take the advice and manage to conceive after 1mth consultation
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my hubbys sperm rated poorly and they told us the infertility issue was b/c of this. We happened to moves countries and so some of th tests had to be done again when hubbys sperm results came back it was the complete opposite of the first test and furture tests concluded that i have PCOS. Hubby's sperm was always in the 95% and up when we did the IUI's and IVF. Also if your hubby is having regular sanuas this could also factor.
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19 yrs ago
There is a lot of variability in my husband's motility (even from day to day). Don't get discouraged based on just one test. I've heard that it takes up to 3 months for various supplements and vitamins to take effect.
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Thanks guys. We have decided to get another semen analysis done this weekend. Touchwood that it goes well.
However, given that we have tried for 8 months or so already without success, I am not very hopeful at this stage.
was your pregnancy totally natural? So even with low motility you didnt have to take any special steps?
How did you docs find out that u have PCOS? I have very reg cycle and my doc checked that I ovulate. she did however mention that i seem to have some cysts and that we should rescan in 2-3 weeks. Could this be PCOS?
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sq1128 yes the scans showed i had cysts and i have non of the other symptoms of PCOS just infertility. You could have PCOS or it coul be just a cysts that must be why your Dr wantss to rescan you. My Dr Dr Choy put me on metaformin for the PCOS and it made all the difference to me getting pregnant.
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19 yrs ago
I am reading a book now that has a long list of suppements/vitamins men can take to improve their sperm count and motility (she reports some supplements can increase motility by up to 99%!). Zita West's Guide to Getting Pregnant. We ordered it online through This asiaexpat website also has some threads addressing this problem. Zita West walks you through IVF and other procedures, and has detailed nutritional guidelines to help maximize fertility.
Re your query of PCOS - I also have regular cycles, but have multiple cysts in my ovaries. Because I have regular periods (and because I tend to ovulate regularly), previous doctors said I did not have PCOS. However, Dr. Christine Choy (whom Perthites also went to) rencently diagnosed me with PCOS also and has put me on metformin. Although I'm not overweight (common feature of PCOS, although less so in Asian women), I have acne and a family history of diabetes. Went for a second opinion with Dr. Ng at Queen Mary who said I did not have PCOS. However, metformin has a positive effect on my cyle, and has also improved my skin condition. Do you have any other symptoms of PCOS other than the cysts? Cysts alone does not mean you have PCOS. Dr. Ng did say that Asian women with PCOS often do not exhibit obesity and hairiness, which are common in PCOS sufferers of other races.
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My hubby also has an issue with his sperm motility and has been taking the vitamins for 3mths. With a recent IUI, it doesn't seem like he's improved much, but with another test done earlier in the year, he was quite OK. I agree that it does vary a lot and it my doc said that there's nothing much you can do about it. If it's consistently poor for a few months, he suggests IVF rather than wasting too much time trying naturally.
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SQ1128, the problem lies in me. doc suspect that i might not be ovulating due to stress. therefore he prescribe me some medicines (hormone pill) to take and advice my hubby to take vitamin C. and dun wear any tight brief inside. try to hang loose when free. so i started to take the medicine in end April and conceive in May. and I took the risk of quitting my job too. and ya right after i quit, i found im pregnant. i think stress plays a big role too. i know it is difficult but try not to think so much abt it. I've been trying for a baby arnd 9mths. pretty much like u. get urself and hubby a thorough checkup to make sure both of u are perfectly fine. if all are fine, keep the stress level in check. with god blessing, u will conceive not too worry.
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yes i think stress plays an important part in this process. i am trying to not think too much about this but as you can imagine, its quite difficult.
I guess as a next step we will run another sample of my hubby's semen analysis and hope for better results.
as for me, i am keeping my fingers crossed for the cyst to be a non-issue.
the thought of IVF is daunting at this stage - not as much financially as physically and emotionally.
thanks for the moral support.
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No problem .let us know once u have good news ok
God bless u and ur family
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