Im not sure if this is a normal thing. I have read a lot of different things online but still confused, was wondering if i could get some help here.
I would like to get pregnant soon, I am trying to figure out my ovulation dates - the only problem being is that I spot (needing liners) 1-3 days before my actual period starts.
When do I start counting my first day of my cycle????
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I think the first day of the cycle is supposed to be the first day of actual menstrual flow (not just spotting).
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If you track your body temperature using a "Body Basal Temperature", or BBT chart, then you will be able to pinpoint the day of your ovulation, as well as first day of period. You will find that no matter how many days you spot, your temp remains constant until the day of your period when the temp suddenly drops. It's all to do with hormones. I swell by my BBT. Just Google it, it's easy to download one from the internet.
Another very useful tool to pinpoint your ovulation is "May Be Baby". It's available to purchase online. Apparently the day you ovulate your saliva becomes saline and May Be Baby can accurately show you that day. A combination to BBT and May Be Baby helped me get pregnant.
Good luck :)
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Combination of tracking your basal body temperature and checking your cervical mucus will probably do the trick. There is a very good book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility which will explain this in great detail.
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Thank you all for ur help!
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Do you know where you can buy a BTT in HK?
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You can buy the BBT at Watsons or Mannings at the pharmacy counter.
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Just bought a BTT at Mannings. Make sure to ask for English instructions as it only comes with Japanese.
A FANTASTIC website for tracking your BTT and other signs is They have lessons and charts and chats -- amazingly full of valuable information!
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thank you all for your help, just found out Im pregnant :)
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Congrats inlovewithhk - that is great news. All the best.
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