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18 yrs ago
I am moving to Jakarta in January '07 (from Aust) and am hoping to have my second child while living os. My pregnancy will be high risk and needs to be closely watched, so I would like to have a team working with me that I feel comfortable with and trust.
Any feedback on your experiences (especially if you had a tricky pregnancy) on the ob/gyn team, GPs, hospital, or indo medical system in general would be appreciated.
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TO be honest with you, Indonesian healthcare is spotty and you're best served if you use the premium facilities that they have....and premium is still ALOT less expensive than it would be in places like AUS, or HK etc.
I have lived there for a short stint, and the toughest part is the inefficient government and traffic jams....added on top of this is the corruption that is rampant throughout the government.
After you have received your passport for your baby, you are supposed to register his passport with the INDONESIAN GOVT. At least that is what my wife was told when she tried to leave for HK out of Soekarno Airport last week. Immigration official refused to allow my month old son to go thru. Then proceeded to squeeze my wife for "penalty fine" of 2million rupiah (USD200). I think they were A'''''oles as my wife is Indonesian and was rather fragile having gave birth a few weeks earlier.
She ended up missing her connecting flight in Singapore and had to stay overnite at the Airport hotel to catch 1st flite to HK in the morning.
It was a nightmare..... for her and for me as I was overseas and had to try and help her in any way possible. make your life easier use an agent to deal with your immigration matters. If your company is big enough they will have agents that they use for immigration matters such as passports and visa applocations with Indo govt.
Hope I didnt scare you, but just wanted to share an experience...
Gd Luck
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18 yrs ago
thanks for the information and the warning...i will keep it all in mind. i think when i finally fall pregnant i will actually deliver the baby in Aust as they know my case history (problems with pregnancy) - but i will make sure my partner's company gives us the premium medical cover.
thanks again
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