Can anyone give me some advice?

Posted by flower 18 yrs ago
Hi, there is not much a doctor can do about male infertility. We went through IVF due to my partners 'issues'. They can give you some Zinc tablets for improving sperm quality etc but that does not often help much.

Some things (lifestyle changes like smoking etc) are recommended but we did not even have too because my partner was a healthy eater and non-smoker already.

Good luck! We tackled the 'issue' rather quick and were lucky to get pregnant through IVF withing 2 attempts. Total period from knowing the problem till getting pregnant only lasted 7 months I think...

Good luck!

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788 18 yrs ago
Dear Positano,

Perhaps the Urology department in one of the hospitals or your general physician could give you a recommendation. Depending on what the male infertility factor is- for eg. variocele, it is treatable through surgery. IVF incl. some treatments like ICSI, is a route that can bypass the issue.

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